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macrumors 601
Mar 12, 2002
BrisVegas, Australia
you should try Google'ing that. i remember reading some info about using a mobile phone for internet. i can't remember the specifics, but i think it was a fairly easy process, except there was one trick/tip in this article i read. sorry i can't remember the article or i'd give you a link. but it shouldn't be too hard to find. :)


macrumors 68040
Oct 7, 2004
somewhere between here and there.
Using a mobile phone as a wireless modem and then making a link to your PowerBook or iBook via BlueTooth will be very very very sloooooooow.

You are better off connecting it via a USB link since there is no chance for the Mobile and notebook to loose contact.

And you need to subscribe to your mobile provider for the service to access the net or use your mobile as a modem. :)
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