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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 10, 2004
San Gabriel, CA
Currently, when a security fix is released it is done for 10.3 and 10.2, usually in both server and client formats.
With the release of 10.4, that will make 3 vOSs (with two versions each) to support with security fixes. Double that with the addition of the "Combo" updaters.
I wonder how much longer Apple will be supporting 10.2 after Tiger is released with security updates. It would be nice to have a universal updater that can sniff out version and type and would apply the correct updates.
Right now I can imagine Version Tracker being taken over with 12 different updates all released within a day or so of each other.


macrumors 68000
Aug 20, 2003
Long Beach, California
I'm guessing that with the introduction of Tiger, support for 10.2, as far as updates are concerned, will be very limited, if any at all. I'm just going off of what happened with 10.1 when Panther is introduced.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 10, 2004
San Gabriel, CA
I think you are right. I wonder what % of OS X users are on 10.2 and have little or no intention of upgrading to Panther or Tiger. If Apple stops providng them with security patches it could end up being a public relations nightmare.
I think that Panther was a pretty compelling upgrade, but other than some mnor features and the "gee-whiz" factor, I donn't see an overriding need to upgrade to Tiger.
Mind you, I'm still going to upgrade! But for most users, and many switchers, what would be the true need.
Does anyone know of any statistics on percentage of users on the various versions of OS X?

Inspector Lee

macrumors 6502a
Jan 24, 2004
East Lansing, MI
mowogg said:
I think you are right. I wonder what % of OS X users are on 10.2 and have little or no intention of upgrading to Panther or Tiger.

I'm sitting here on Jaguar. Basically felt I didn't need Panther and would ride it out until Tiger. Well, I can't use the new iPhoto until Tiger comes out. Not gonna shell out $93 for Panther with the Tiger release coming soon. Have a G3 iBook and 15" TiBook in my abode. The TiBook got iLife '04 and will get Tiger but not the iBook. The iBook is a surf/web/word processing machine. The TiBook handles all the music, photos, iPod syncs, etc. I bought the iBook as a secondary machine back in April '03. Didn't even put a burner in it because a $10 crossover cable can get anything needing a burn over to the TiBook. In essence, the iBook will stay on 10.2 unless Jobs gets cute and tries to roundabout force me to upgrade.


macrumors G5
Jun 6, 2003
Solon, OH
gopher said:
Depends on how soon is soon. July 2nd 3 PM could be the Tiger release date, and they would still be on time.
Well, security updates (to any OS) aren't normally on a schedule unless the company/organization issuing them makes it that way (i.e. Microsoft). This means that whether or not security updates continue to be released for Mac OS X 10.2 has nothing to do with when Tiger is released. I would expect that the vast majority of updates to 10.4 will NOT be released for 10.2.X users once 10.4 is released. Updates to 10.3 will continue, but in a limited fashion - just like what Apple did upon Panther's release with 10.2 and 10.1.


macrumors 6502
Jan 26, 2004
I am on Panther and plan on upgrading to Tiger so this doesn't affect me.

But for my Jaguar brethren, I would hope that at least for the security fixes, they still support you. I know a lot of people still running Jaguar and to leave them all in the dark would be a poor decision. So heres to a short prayer that they still support Jaguar.
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