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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 14, 2005
B'ham Uk
hey -first excuse my poor spellings.
the main thing, is as the title says - how often do you see the beach ball or have programmes, well, crash?
reading the forum it seems that this hardly ever happens for most people. having had my iBook for around a month, i would say i have programmes crash around 4/5 times, ok much less than my old vaio but still more than i would expect.
second, the beach ball! so annoying! i get this quite often! usually when i want to save an item, which is annoying as i dont see what could be slowing the comp down!? i press 'save' and it takes 10-20 seconds of beach ball to receive the save window. or, when i just tried 'adding photos' to my iPhoto library i had the beack ball for almost 2 minutes! its really annoying!!
is there anything i can do to stop these happening? i have 512 RAM so that should not be a big problem, any other ideas?
thanks, john


Staff member
Dec 7, 2002
New Zealand
Did your system come with 512 MB or did you upgrade it yourself? What brand is it? Cheap memory can cause stability issues. Also, 512 MB isn't really that much :eek: - I had 1.25 GB and noticed a significant slowdown when I went down to 768 MB.


macrumors G5
Jun 6, 2003
Solon, OH
I get beachballs infrequently and unexpected quits often. QuickTime Player is by FAR the program that unexpectedly quits on me the most, and it only does this when playing certain MIDI files.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 14, 2005
B'ham Uk
Nermal said:
Did your system come with 512 MB or did you upgrade it yourself? What brand is it? Cheap memory can cause stability issues. Also, 512 MB isn't really that much :eek: - I had 1.25 GB and noticed a significant slowdown when I went down to 768 MB.

No it came with 256 so i went to an Apple store in birmingham. its not like an apple store owned by apple, but another company runs it and calls itself apple. anyway, i just went in and asked for more RAM - i didnt really know what to say as im not a wiz with comps etc - i didnt even no wat RAm was to recently. anyway, i just looked at my recpeipt and it was - 256MB PC2100 DDR SODIMM Module, costing me £35.
Its all i can afford at the moment as i am poor college student who :( i only got an iBook after my holiday was cancelled! anyway, i don't need lots of RAM as in not a heavy user. just iPhoto, iTunes 24/7, internet, typing and the odd DVD. nothing much.

oh PS it was an 'Apple Centre' run by KRCS Retail LTD


macrumors 68020
Dec 17, 2002
I don't get that many beachballs, at least not many that last more than a couple seconds. But I get plenty of application quits, especially Word and IE. (No surprise there.) Among non-MS apps, Safari quits on me the most.


macrumors 601
Mar 29, 2004
Boston, MA
wrldwzrd89 said:
I get beachballs infrequently and unexpected quits often. QuickTime Player is by FAR the program that unexpectedly quits on me the most, and it only does this when playing certain MIDI files.

since i upgraded to 1.25 GB and 10.3.8 i get the beachball for 1 or 2 seconds twice a week or so (meaning it happens so rarely that i don't care).
before that a little more beachball but never often enough to care about. uptime several days or even weeks between restarts.

I only had crash's when my 1 GB DIMM (bought at the Apple store!!!) was faulty. No crash since then (3 weeks, 3 restarts or so).



macrumors 6502a
Nov 3, 2004
Near London
Programmes crash atleast once a week for me, usually Firefox. Mail has crashed about twice, iphoto once (the book bug in iphoto 5), Freeway pro has once, and Word does now and again. So it varies but the Apple apps are v stable.
Since you are a newbie, repairing permissions may help - applicatons--utilities--disk utility--repair permissions
and also if you are having one particular app crashing then it could be that the prefs have been corrupted so into finder--library--preferences and delete the preferences of the application. Unforunately this will lose all your presets but preferences rarely get corrupted but can cause instability.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 5, 2003
Costa Rica
More often that I would like

I do get the same behavior very often, mostly with Safari. I do get the beachball a lot - my computer is not cutting edge, but it has gotten worse and worse with Panther, starting I think with 10.3.6 or .7.


macrumors 68000
Oct 1, 2004
Mountains of Vermont
john_satc said:
How often do you see the beach ball or have programmes, well, crash?

Primarily in Safari and Mail is where I see the beach ball. Once in a while Safari locks up and I must do a force quit after waiting for ten or fifteen minutes to see if it will come out of it. Safari also occasionally (weekly) does an unexpected quit. Almost no other programs do either of these for me.


macrumors regular
Jan 10, 2005
the capitol
I get the beachball a lot, esp when opening media files or using audio apps/safari. For me this is (?curously) a fairly recent phenomenon. Apps unexpectedly quit about 3-5x per week for me (mostly Ableton Live). Mine is a G4 800/1024mb PC133. More ram always seems to help (at least >=1GB) though. :confused:

IJ Reilly

macrumors P6
Jul 16, 2002
This will be a familiar answer to anyone who's read the other beach ball thread, but...

If you get persistent beach balls, try (1) logging out or rebooting, (2) repairing permissions, or (3) quitting resource-hungry applications.

If the situation persists, I'd run fsck on the drive.


macrumors 65816
Oct 11, 2004
Saint Charles, MO
Word and Powerpoint unexpectedly quit for me all the time, but that is no surprise!
I get the beach ball in Safari when I open a lot of tabs.


macrumors regular
Jan 26, 2005
Down Under
i don't get beachballs too often, only when i have too many apps running. Firefox and safari are the two programs that just wont stop quitting on me.


macrumors regular
Dec 7, 2004
Word likes to quit on me about once every 2 weeks (I use it for a couple of hours every day).
I do have a gig of Fry's ram that I installed myself.
I did repair permissions pretty recently, I don't know if that would change anything.
No regular pattern of the good old beachball.


macrumors 65816
Feb 10, 2003
Buckeye Country, O-H
I mostly only get the beach ball in Safari. However, i do get the "application has unexpectedly quit" mostly in iTunes. I think that itunes has quit twice on me since the last update of iTunes.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 23, 2005
toronto canada
iphoto and that damned beach ball of doom

AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!! ok for the last day or so, iphoto, whenever i start it up, i get the damn spinning beach ball of death while it says that its loading the pictures and it slows down the whole system and it basically stalls for like 30 seconds and i cna't do nething. then it will say that iphoto has unexpectedly quit....once i ran activity monitor while it was doint this and the app turned red and it said in brackets beside it "(hung)".......i tried repairing permissions and this did nothing, i rele need iphoto to get at my pics and i would rele apprciate if someone could point me in the right direction so that i might be able to get this fixed thx :eek:


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 14, 2005
B'ham Uk
Fredstar said:
Programmes crash atleast once a week for me, usually Firefox. Mail has crashed about twice, iphoto once (the book bug in iphoto 5), Freeway pro has once, and Word does now and again. So it varies but the Apple apps are v stable.
Since you are a newbie, repairing permissions may help - applicatons--utilities--disk utility--repair permissions
and also if you are having one particular app crashing then it could be that the prefs have been corrupted so into finder--library--preferences and delete the preferences of the application. Unforunately this will lose all your presets but preferences rarely get corrupted but can cause instability.

I repair permissions weekly, after reading on this forum that you should. so that should not be the problem.
thanks tho


Jan 18, 2005
a few apps crashed like silly when i first got my machine namely Word and co., installed 10.3.8 and now its fine. havnt tampered with any ram either.
actually Windows Media Player crashes like mad still...


macrumors member
Oct 20, 2003
My imac g5 has been freezing like crazy lately....that beachball thing has become too familiar a sight, looking through the console logs I'm convinced it's something to do with my adsl modem but aside from the usual tests I can't see what I can do about it.


May 26, 2004
Randy's House
I've had major beach ball and lock up problems with iPhoto 5.

I loaded about 5,000 images from our server and it locks up and behaves very poorly. Everything else (except MS Word) pretty much performs flawlessly.

I'm loading the images directly onto my hard drive as we speak, and purchased a large stick of RAM for the iMac this morning, so hopefully that will help.

I'm real retentive about forcing periodic maintenance scripts and repairing permissions along with prebinding and PRAM, so my machines give me few problems.

I'm not liking the new iPhoto, though. We have about 7,000 aerials of the East Coast and the only thing I use iPhoto for is to be able to scroll through them quickly.

IJ Reilly

macrumors P6
Jul 16, 2002
biohazard_6969 said:
yea i tried the others but what is an fsck or w/e its called.....i'm a bit of a dum-dum :)

Sorry... I should have explained. Reboot and hold down the cmd (apple) and S keys. Instead of the normal startup screen, you'll soon see a screen of white characters on a black background (you can release the keys now). You are now in Single User Mode. When the screen stops scrolling, you'll be at a command line prompt. Type:

fsck -f (including the space before the dash! and) [return]

The hard drive will be checked for errors and repaired if possible. If errors are found but the drive could not be repaired, run fsck again until they are repaired. (Sometimes it takes more than one pass.) Then at the prompt type:

reboot [return]

Another suggestion I make often is to download this utility:

It installs a script you can run in Single User Mode that automatically runs a number of maintenance routines, including fsck. Very handy.


macrumors regular
Feb 18, 2005
i get the beachball most often in safari, but i find that updating the prebindings regularly dramatically reduces any beachball action. and by dramatic, i mean i hardly ever see it anymore.

as for unexpected quits, mail sometimes quits, but lately ive been having a recurring problem with safari and yahoo. everytime i try to visit yahoo, safari unexpectedly quits. not sure what the deal is.
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