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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 5, 2021

I cannot find an important external harddrive which contains a lot of professional work.
So, I am trying to find out when it was "last plugged into" my MacBookPro.
I think was sometime between Oct 25th and November 6th.

What I've tried -
Console / System.log files for evidence of harddrive "mouting"-

Unfortunately System.log only contains information about harddrives mounted in the last few days. But I need data from around the end of October.

Can anyone think of any round-about ways of figuring this out?

One thing I notice is that "recently opened files" from that hard drive still appear as "recently opened" inside of programs such as LogicX.
When I attempt to open the file from that menu, it says "Veronique Adult (the name of the harddrive) cannot be mounted".
So there seems to be some leftover data trails regarding the harddrive on my MacHD.
Maybe there is a way to find out exactly when those files where last opened?
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