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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jun 12, 2014
Can anyone please help? I can't get the Home app and HomePods to do what I want. The Homepods selection on the Home app on my iPad/iPhone is showing music I downloaded from Apple/iTunes years ago while I want to show NO music (or, a few specific music files and none other).

On every Apple device I have, I disconnected "show Apple Music," I unselected 'show downloaded music,' and I've disconnected Siri. I have no music files downloaded to the iPad/iPhone.

Yet in the Home app I can see access to podcasts in the Overcast app and songs I downloaded in the past from iTunes.

I've tried everything under the sun for years to have the Music app on my devices show *only* specific non-downloaded non-Apple-Music non-iTunes-purchased songs/files (with is another issue I hope to rectify someday)...

I am getting married soon and want to have someone in my family start/stop a few songs using a spare iPad. I'm planning to use two HomePod minis. I'm so afraid something will "activate" and get played that I do not want to get played. I do not trust the Apple HomePod mini / Apple Music / Music app to not do exactly what I want, and to not do anything I don't want it to do. How sad is that. Even though I have unselected "Apple Music" and "show downloaded music," the same issue comes up when my Toyota Tacoma auto-plays music from my Iphone that is not supposed to be on the iPhone...


(Apple: Please add more engineers back to your "It Just Works" department)
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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jun 12, 2014
Well I got the HomePod minis to do what I wanted after about 4-5 hours throughout the day yesterday researching online, trying, resetting/reconnecting, etc. I'm only using it to play music thru the Music app via my MBA; trying to manipulate/use the HomePod mini's on my iPad is too unreliable. And forget trying to customize/navigate the Home app on my iPad, it's very unintuitive and confusing.

I think Apple has a ways to go with the Home app and with making the HomePod mini's "it just works," but after working a lot to make them work, they finally work and will hopefully work reliable come this Friday for my wedding.

Good luck to me. Thanks Apple!
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