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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 16, 2015
Does anybody know how to set up a Mac Pro to hibernate after a set period of sleep?

This weekend I went away and wanted to cut the power to the desk but not lose my user session so I modified my MP's power management settings by switchting hibernatemode from 3 to 25, set a small standbydelay value and turned everything off when that time had passed.

Safe to say the MP did not like this one bit. Upon my return I spent the evening to revive it which included partial disassembly and a fair amount of cursing. I assume hibernatemode 25 is just not compatible with the system?

These are my (working) power management settings -

System-wide power settings:
Currently in use:
 standby              1
 Sleep On Power Button 1
 womp                 0
 autorestart          0
 hibernatefile        /var/vm/sleepimage
 powernap             0
 gpuswitch            2
 networkoversleep     0
 disksleep            0
 standbydelayhigh     86400
 sleep                0
 autopoweroffdelay    28800
 hibernatemode        3
 autopoweroff         1
 ttyskeepawake        1
 displaysleep         0
 highstandbythreshold 50
 standbydelaylow      0
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