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macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 13, 2011
If you're a developer who submits his first app to the app store I guess you would struggle to make any impact whatsoever, so is there any way to promote your app and make yourself noticeable and what is the best one?


macrumors G3
Nov 26, 2007
A significant amount of my downloads come from my signature / avatar on MacRumors. Every time I post in any thread, it's like I've permanently plugged my ad into the thread. If I make a particularly likable post on a front page story, I can get propelled to the top of the top comments list, which leads to a fairly prominent display to the generally iOS/Mac owning community of MacRumors. I can also change my signature, thus changing my personal ad all over MacRumors, so, for example, I can easily promote a weekend sale on my app (don't count on it, sales have been doing well, it's not dropping back to $1 for awhile... I might just increase the price to $3 though after my next update.)

Other promotional things I've tried...

YouTube. Total flop. Unless you have an amazing video that people are going to share with each other, don't bother. As an example of this kind of ad done right, here's an ad for Songify; you may have seen it before if a friend forwarded it to you:

Have a FaceBook page. It has worked out okay for me. I've only got 12 likes and a few posts/messages from other people, but each time they post or like it, my app gets plugged into the news feed of their friends.

Also, you could give out some free codes over here to try and generate some interest:
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macrumors 65816
Dec 29, 2010
Aartselaar // Antwerp // Belgium
Post your app in Macrumors forums on advertising, might try some other forums, it's free, will get you some thousand hits maybe, and if only 1/4th of them actually downloads it, thats already good :)
I didn't had a dime to invest in promotion for any apps, so I allways just post them here.
I also try to help people as much as I can on these forums & I also hope those people actually download my app as a thanks (the one in now is free anyways..)

If you have some investments, there are some cheap solutions, like 15$-25$ for tweeting your app on an famous account etc etc.


macrumors newbie
May 22, 2012
Alberta, Canada
Great marketing blog for indie developers


A little while ago (luckily just before our app went live on the Mac AppStore) I was referred to a 5 part marketing article that Jeff from Bulletproof Outlaws put together. This was an absolute eye-opener and I recommend it to everyone I encounter. Here is a link to his website and the marketing articles:–-social-marketing/

Another great resource is a book written by Chad Muretta called App Empire: Make Money, Have a Life, and Let Technology Work for You

Hope this helps all the fellow indie developers out there.

Warm Regards,

macrumors 68000
May 25, 2012
ArtOfWarfare said it best. Become a community member in a forum. Better yet become a community member in a forum pertaining to your app. I do a lot of sports apps and I am a member of a lot of sports forums. I try to give good feedback and start logical discussions and because of that people check out my link or website.

iOS promoting is pretty tricky and a lot of the time any money you spend on promoting can be better spent on a new icon or design features. The fact of the matter is you best advertisement is the app store so have the right keywords and a catchy icon and you are on your way.
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