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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 18, 2014
I updated to El Capitan. With it, to the App Store appeared updates for speech synthesizers. Because I use the feature on a daily basis as a part of my Applescripts, I updated. After all, the update promised improvements to pronunciation, and I had noticed that sometimes, not often, the synth would pronounce some words incorrectly. However, I don't really find this update an upgrade at all, quite the contrary: Now the voice that was somewhat monotonous but mostly correct, is sounding mad and all over the place, accentuating the wrong syllables in a way that makes it outright difficult to understand! I'd rather have the old synth back actually. Before updating to El Capitan, I backed all up in Time Machine. I'm mostly interested in restoring one speech voice, but where on my Mac are the files that I should be restoring?
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