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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 27, 2003

Think about it and this article is amusing: "HP to Unveil iMac competitor" ... "HP is developing the 'I' 'Q' '7' '7' '0'." Good grief, they can't even name the product, now imagine them trying to build it. "Crossfire" would be an improvement though.

Unfortunately (or fortunately) these companies still think that Apple's magic is in "never seen before concepts" or "cool ideas." So they get out there and try to compete by just coming up with the most shocking, cool-never-seen-before things to "dazzle" the joe consumer. But all along they have missed the two single greatest attributes of Apple's successful products (aside from creativity): elegance and simplicity.

It baffles my mind how a little peon like me can be smarter than all the executives at HP combined.* I would never let that ugly, ridiculously impractical concept out the door! Sure they'll sell the thing and make money, but it isn't anything like what it could be if they wanted it to be. Actually it doesn't baffle my mind, because I guess the real problem might be they just don't care. As long as their getting their salaries and going home at night in a Ferrari, life is good I suppose.*

P.S. This piece reminds me of all the dozens of articles that are written after the release of every new MP3 player; trying to drum up some emotion about the iPod finally receiving a challenge. Uh... no.

* A generalization or caricature only for the purpose making something more dramatic. Not intended to be literally interpreted or universally true.
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