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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 1, 2002
Dallas, TX
NEW ORLEANS (AP) - Louisiana's 197-year-old sodomy law does not discriminate against gays and lesbians, a state appeals court ruled.

The 4th Circuit Court of Appeal ruled 2-1 on Wednesday against a gay advocacy group, leaving Louisiana's sodomy law intact.

"This decision continues to put Louisiana outside the mainstream," said John D. Rawls, an attorney for Louisiana Electorate of Gays and Lesbians Inc., which challenged the law.

"We are still the only state whose courts deny a right to privacy to its citizens, we are still the only state whose courts have upheld sodomy laws, we are still back in the 18th century unfortunately," he said.

Attorney general spokesman Allan Pursnell declined to comment on the ruling, saying, "It could still be appealed to the Supreme Court. We'll make our comments in court."

The state Supreme Court ruled that the law against oral and anal sex does not violate the right to privacy, based on a state appeal. But plaintiffs had asked the appeals court to consider the trial judge's ruling that the law does not amount to unconstitutional discrimination.

The dissenter on the appeals court, Judge Charles R. Jones, had not released his opinion by early Friday. The other two judges, Joan Bernard Armstrong and David S. Gorbaty, said the plaintiffs brought no evidence that the "crime against nature" law discriminates against gays and lesbians.

"In the trial case, discriminatory purpose by the lawmaking body was not given," the opinion said.

The appeals court also sided with the trial judge in not letting witnesses testify as to the harmful effects of the law on gays and lesbians.
I don't know if it means much coming from a moderate republican, but this is ridiculous. I don't care about legal technicalities, the constitution, lawyers, judges, or anything else. How can a country be free when you can be prosecuted for what you do in the privacy of your own home with a consenting adult?


macrumors regular
Jul 17, 2002
Washington, DC
Originally posted by Stelliform
OK, I am not gay, but I do live in Louisiana. It is a very different state. We have alot of laws that are on the books that the police do not enforce. We probably have the most corrupt government in the nation. But hey the food is good, the people are nice, and I wouldn't live anywhere else. (although or population is dropping.) :(

Right On. Yeah, NOLA's corrupt and this is bad that privacy can be invaded, but I don't see it hapenning much. LA is definitely a different state, probably country if you think about it. (that's saying a lot considering I come from Texas) This ruling is really just more embarrassing then anything else. I can't think at any point in time when someone was arrested for sodomy or oral sex in NOLA.


macrumors 65816
Feb 20, 2002

here in Alabama, we had a law passed for about 3 months that banned all "sex toys".

which brought out a good gathering of women to reverse the ban. some one the pretence they are "medical" tools, and needed.

he he he he he
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