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macrumors 601
Original poster
May 9, 2006
I got MicroShafted. $100 for a dongle? Are you kidding me? The Nintendo DS freaking includes WiFi and Microsoft expects me to pay $100 for the privilege of using it on my 360?

Bah. I'll just route the internet through my MacBook to get the Bioshock demo. M$ can suck it.

- Annoyed Customer


macrumors 68000
Feb 19, 2003
Planet Zebes
It does suck that Microsoft doesn't include wireless in the 360's..........but..... say you got shafted by Microsoft is wrong. They haven't included wireless in the 360 since it came out.....NEARLY 2 YEARS AGO..........if anyone buys a 360 expecting wireless they are shafting themselves :)


macrumors 65816
Jul 23, 2004
I'll go even further... It's only 10/100, and not gigabit for the wired port. Complete crap they didn't even add gigabit to the elite model.


macrumors 6502a
May 13, 2005
I am surprised at this, as the Xbox360 is meant to be good at online play. Its not cheap either, compared to a Wii, and that comes with WiFi, just waiting for online games now! oh and need to find some wifi friends!!!

$100 seems too steep too, surely thats too much!


macrumors 601
Original poster
May 9, 2006
Luckily, Apple makes it easy to share a connection. I just hopped on the wireless with my MacBook, set up sharing, and plugged in the Xbox. A few minutes later I am happily surfing and downloading the Bioshock demo in <10 minutes.



macrumors 6502a
Sep 4, 2006
I'll go even further... It's only 10/100, and not gigabit for the wired port. Complete crap they didn't even add gigabit to the elite model.

Isn't that a moot point considering broadband is optimally around 10 and not even 100. Granted if u spend all day streaming pron to ur xbox so u don't feel like a complete skeazy tool watching on ur compooter then I guess u could gripe about not having gigabit. Don't most PCs still not include gigabit with mac being the only defacto giver of it as a standard. As to wireless its a convenience but I hate it for gaming. My imac with bootcamp in the end I just ran a 25ft cable to my router because I got tired of interferenc and packet loss while playing LOTRO.


And with so many people complaining about the lack of included wireless in the x360 I am going to complain about the lack of inclusion of wired with the wii because my router and cable modem is a mere 18inches away. I had to spend 10 minutes to reconfigure the router (would have been longer had I gotten a linksys). Nintendo won't be getting my $50 for a wired adapter, in fact I am still trying to get my money back for wasting my time with Twilight Princess or is it Ocaraina of time levels reshuffled with waggle. How many times can these dumb princesses keep getting caught by the same villains(I am looking at u Peach!)? Besides I would rather rescue Daisy anyway;)


macrumors 6502
Apr 25, 2005
Ottawa, Canada
My friend recently got a 360 and doesn't want to shell out for the ridiculous price of the wireless adapter too. But there is a way you can add wireless, for really cheap. Check out this product, Logitech Play link:

It connects to your router's eithernet, and to the 360's ethernet, and does a simple wireless bridge! I don't think it's being sold in stores anymore, but you can find them for like $10-20 on ebay. I think also has them too.


macrumors 604
Mar 17, 2004
How many times can these dumb princesses keep getting caught by the same villains(I am looking at u Peach!)?

At least in Zelda, it's always a different princess. (recall that every firstborn princess of Hyrule carries the name Zelda) So technically, no Zelda has ever had the same princess kidnapped twice! :D


macrumors 603
Aug 20, 2005
Thank you Jah...I'm so Blessed
^Thats the one thing I don't understand about zelda...the story is always the same *ducks*.......a boy in a village(who looks like or becomes the legendary warrior) that has to pick up arms to save the world and princess.

Its always the same just with a new twist....not that its a bad thing but thats what I always get out of the zelda stories.

Back on topic.....I wouldn't pay $100 for that wireless addon. I have my 360 runing through my ibook(it works excellent)...I can't be bothered.



Jan 18, 2005
I'm trying to set up a little network for my DS. Get the iMac to pick up the wifi signal (DS can't get it), LAN to my PowerBook, then onto a small wifi network for my DS and any other little devices. It's a bloody nightmare and someday I'll crack it.

ps. Yes the Zelda story is getting tired. Though for me the series has been about combat and the minor story bits inbetween.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 4, 2006
At this point they should just make this (Zelda) a full fledged RPG. But then again if they go with the JRPG route it will turn out like ass. Make it real time comabt (Bioware did amazing job with game engine of Jade Empire), dont add a party system though keep him solo, definitely would need a cap limit. Make it open edned so that you can wander and explore the world as you want rather than putting out a similar story line everytime.
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