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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Oct 20, 2007
It's not as bad as it used to be, when the home screen could be flipped 180 degrees, but I hate landscape mode on the home screen. About 50%* of the time I pull my 6 Plus out of my pocket it's landscape, swiftly flipping to portrait. Sure, it's an utterly FWP, but nonetheless irritating.

Combined with the fact I never use the home screen in landscape - all the apps aren't in muscle memory position - I wish there was a deep toggle to switch off landscape home screen altogether.
I know, I could just use portrait lock, but that'd mean constantly disabling/re-enabling it whenever I want to look at photos or video. There'll be a jailbreak for it no doubt, but Ive long since not been interested in jail breaking personally.

I'm also aware setting view to zoomed disables landscape home screen, but I'd rather have the standard view.

*Cue "I don't have this problem". Good for you, I mean that sincerely :). It does, however, happen frequently to me, so I've saved you a post!
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