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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Aug 27, 2006
So. As you know the 8-core is here. And I am in love with this:

Core Values

It is just so catchy. I enjoy marketing, and having read other marketing catch phrases it makes me appreciate Apples. Just thought I would share my passion for the Mac Pro slogan.


macrumors 6502
Apr 6, 2007
It's Apple's marketing that sells their iPods. They make their iPods seem like the only music player in existance, resulting in more sales.

The original iMac. It is nothing special, but because it looked good, people bought one.

What they don't specify though, is how good value the cores are lol.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 24, 2007
San Francisco, CA
It's Apple's marketing that sells their iPods. They make their iPods seem like the only music player in existance, resulting in more sales.

In that regard same goes with the earbuds for the iPod, they designed them pretty darn well they stick out! Just riding the bart (san francisco bay areas subway) and bus, I always see those white earbuds! Even though you can't see it, you KNOW it's an iPod.


macrumors 68020
Feb 4, 2003
New HAMpshire
How can you not love their marketing it is so...well Apple.

I agree they do great marketing, however they missed the boat in my opinion...they should have marketed OSX much more showing software perks, etc. of owning a Mac. Now if they were to do it many would just say- well, so does Windows now. (I am thining of that ad that shows how Vista has an expose type thingy- not near as nice, but people are really wowed by that commercial that I talk to!) They are of course closer to marketing product specifics using the Mac vs PC ads, but showing the product would be nice sometimes...I think many people just get sick of hearing Mac's just work together, they are just simplier, etc. People want to see products these days...let Apple show them the goods!

I think apple is one of the best brand marketers in history, however they do miss the boat quite often on product marketing. (by brand I mean iPod and Macintosh as much as Apple Inc.)
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