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macrumors G4
Original poster
Aug 24, 2003
i saw this t shirt in a skate shop (legends oxford street) it has a warped apple and in apples think diffrent font it said "system failer" it was £20 I dident have the money on me so i came back a couple of days later to get it but it had gone any one seen one of these t-****s (in west london or uk mail order) thaks they were halerious.

cant spell im deslexic

deslectics of the wolrd untie!

ITR 81

macrumors 65816
Oct 24, 2003
If your interested in t-shirts you should check out HookUps a skateboard company that has anime type tees but are avid Apple fans so normally you see Mac's in there designs.

The two I've seen recently shows anime teacher sitting on a iMac and on the chalk board it says "PC's Suck"

The other one shows a anime female with an iPod connected to her hip.
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