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macrumors 65816
Jun 6, 2005
the ruins of the Cherokee nation
Emphasis mine:
CaptainCaveMann said:
Keep it man and wait until they come out with a laptop thats not a rip off due to problems.
A laptop that is not a rip off due to problems? Thats already out, it's called the Macbook.

To the OP, if you can get a decent re-sale price for your iBook go for the MB. It is a great machine, and will be much, much faster than your iBook.


macrumors 6502a
May 18, 2005
I think I am gonna give in a buy a 1.83GHz stock MacBook in 2 weeks from my Apple Store. Gonna order 2GB from Datamem.


macrumors 601
May 9, 2006
the widescreen and glossy screen are debatable as to wether it is an upgrade or downgrade

Comparing a G4 iBook screen and a new MacBook's glossy side by side, the iBook makes me feel like I'm developing cataracts. There's a HUGE difference in brightness, sharpness, and contrast, and the glare is minor and only an issue from angles.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 13, 2004
Grand Haven, Michigan
I bought a base MacBook with 1Gig of ram to replace my 12" iBook G4. The MacBook keyboard is much better, and the screen is nice. The problems I have with it is the increased size and wieght. I honestly didn't think it would be that much more, but I notice it a lot. Also, the MacBook runs very hot.

If you can wait, you should. Rev B will probably bring a price drop and a faster processer.
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