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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 17, 2018
Am I missing something here but it seems like the iCloud for windows (updated within the last year maybe) which now you get from the Microsoft store no longer downloads the original files (videos it seems).
After figuring out how to set windows to download the photos and videos to the pc rather than the thumbnail lite versions, it still will not download videos in their ordinal format/resolution/size.
One clip I have is 2.62MB and looks awful played on my tv which my pc is linked to.
Tried downloading from iCloud website - same outcome.
The only way I can download the original is to plug my phone in via USB and then it’s 86.8MB and the right quality level expected.

What gives? Why can’t I just have my original files please apple. Even my phones settings tell you to transfer the original copy!!


macrumors 68020
Dec 30, 2009
I can't help you with iCloud for Windows as I have the same problem, but you can download the full resolution videos on the iCloud website. To do so, don't click the download button. Instead hover over it and there will be a little arrow. Click that and then choose to download the original.

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