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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 29, 2008
I am debating between using a local only sync system (like Synology + Photos on my Mac) vs iCloud Shared Library with my spouse to reduce our on-device storage of photos in iOS.

I know that the Synology setup can work (and in fact have my on Mac mounted via a DMG in Synology just fine + wifi syncing of my iOS devices) *but* iCloud Shared Library looks compelling to sync and share/store photos with my spouse. The only drawback is neither of us want our "standard" photo reels synced via iCloud. Is it possible to setup a iCloud Shared Library but not use iCloud for photos not added to the shared library? Thanks!


macrumors member
Apr 18, 2022
Los Angeles, CA
> Is it possible to setup a iCloud Shared Library but not use iCloud for photos not added to the shared library?

No. iCloud is all or nothing. You could export the non-shared photos to the Synology then delete them from iCloud while keeping the shared photos but this cannot be done automatically.
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