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macrumors 68000
Jul 15, 2006
I ran this through automatic font recognizer stuff a few times and it never gave me what I was looking for, the "e" was never the same and the notch at the "n" was different...

Any ideas?

Appreciate it!


macrumors 6502
May 10, 2008
Glasgow, Scotland
Can anyone tell me this font?



macrumors regular
Apr 7, 2004
Montana, USA
Please Help Name This Font

I'm working on wedding invitations for my brother's wedding, and his fiancee told me that she really likes this font and would like me to mock up a treatment using it -- anyone have any ideas as to what font it may be, or even a similar one?

Thanks a ton.


macrumors 65816
Jul 13, 2008
Okay, I am no designer or something like that so you'll probably laugh at me - but as I just found this thread and am curious: Which font is it often used in American (paperback?) novels? Have a look for exemplare here:

(click to read the following pages ...)

Sorry again for the probably dumb sounding question, but would like to get this for typing textes in Word ... Thanks in advance!!

Jim Campbell

macrumors 6502a
Dec 6, 2006
A World of my Own; UK
Okay, I am no designer or something like that so you'll probably laugh at me - but as I just found this thread and am curious: Which font is it often used in American (paperback?) novels? Have a look for exemplare here ...

That example looks like straight Times to me.

That Rainmakers album is quite splendid, by the way, but not as good as its follow-up, "Tornado", IMHO.




macrumors 65816
Jul 13, 2008
Thanks for the hint, Jim!! I just tried the Word "Times" and it doesn't look nearly as "cool", but I will have some more tries with this font ...

Jim Campbell

macrumors 6502a
Dec 6, 2006
A World of my Own; UK
Thanks for the hint, Jim!! I just tried the Word "Times" and it doesn't look nearly as "cool", but I will have some more tries with this font ...

Word, I'm afraid, does not display fonts in their best light, particularly if you're using it on a Windows machine. Fire up a DTP app like Quark or InDesign (one of which was most certainly used to set the type in your sample) and you'll see that the body text is most definitely Times.

Unless -- I've just thought -- you're talking about the font used for the headings, which isn't Times ...




macrumors G5
I'm working on wedding invitations for my brother's wedding, and his fiancee told me that she really likes this font and would like me to mock up a treatment using it -- anyone have any ideas as to what font it may be, or even a similar one?

Thanks a ton.

The Fleetwood Mac is undoubtedly hand customized, the base of it may be one of the '20s style "Great Gatsby / Parisian / Deco " style fonts

Schneidler Initials isn't quite it, but it has some of the flavour

Cameo RR

Canterbury Old Style

Swaak Centennial
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