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macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 28, 2004
I have iLife05, and I've just tried to make my first DVD. I did the editing in iMovie and iDVD on my powerbook (1.33 GHz G4) and I "burned" the movie to a disk image. I then transfered the disk image to my Quicksilver and used its superdrive to burn the disk. I used a DVD from the box of Apple DVDs that we bought.

I have two problems. First, when I put the disk in my dvd player no video shows up. I get audio, but the TV screen is blank. I can play the disk on either computer and the video is there, but not on the TV. (I don't know if this makes a difference, but my parents sent us a DVD+R disk last year, and it played fine on this dvd player)

The second problem is that when I play the dvd on either computer the video looks terrible - as bad as really bad VHS - very blurry, lots of jagged lines, etc. In iMovie the video looks fine. And if I just connect the video camera (a Sony DV camera) straight to the vhs machine and record on to vhs tape it looks really good. So why should it look terrible on this dvd? (this could be an interlacing problem - and maybe it would look fine on a real TV and not a computer screen, but since I can't get video out of my dvd player, I can't tell).

Anyway, if anyone out there has experience using iDVD and iMovie maybe you can help me.



macrumors newbie
Oct 15, 2004
Colorado, USA
RE: iDVD Problem

Do you have the latest iDVD Update (5.0.1) installed? If not, download it here.

Some posts I have seen say this update fixes the jagged edge problem that occurs when exporting movies from iMovie to iDVD.

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