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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Nov 6, 2001
Hi. I'm new to this forum and this question may have popped up before. If G5 desktops debut in January, how long after would a G5 powerbook debut? How long after the G4 desktop did the Tibook come out?



macrumors 65816
Jul 24, 2001
In the shadow of the Space Needle.
I think it was more than a year before the tiBook came out, but then again it was also a brand new laptop design, not just dropping the chip into an existing design, so who knows? Maybe we'll see G5 tiBooks in January with the G5 Towers that are RUMORED to come out then.


macrumors 68020
May 9, 2001
I think G5 Book would be out about a year after the release of the G5 chip.
The Ti model still new, there should be at list 3 more significant chages as it use to be.

Look at the evolution of the Powerbook G3, the iBook, etc.

The G5 may carry heat problems, too much battery consuption, etc. and who knows what else.


macrumors 65816
Jul 24, 2001
In the shadow of the Space Needle.
MM, Where did you hear that the G5 uses more power and produces more heat?
Even if that is so, the G4 is a pretty hot little chip and if the G5 produces about the same amount, then there shouldn't be much trouble in making the tibook a G5. As you said, it is still due for some upgrades!


macrumors 65816
Jul 24, 2001
In the shadow of the Space Needle.
I also don't think that the it's too new argument or the look at the past introduction schedule argument holds much water anymore. The game has changed.
Look at the iBook, what was the life cycle of the original incarnation?

Ensign Paris

macrumors 68000
Nov 4, 2001
G5s - what will happen


G5s in janurary not much doubt about it!

G5 PBs at New York - but we don't know (Unless Steve j is browsing this!)

People please!

Let's not get overly psyched up here just yet! The G5 Mac has not been officially announced yet, so let's just take that as a rumor and nothing else. We've been down this road before--LCD iMac at MWNY anyone?

I read this morning on the Register that the G5 has been completed and is now ramping up for mass production. But you know what? I will not completely accept this until there is some kind of official announcement made. I think it's in all of our best interests if we all do the same.


macrumors 65816
Jun 18, 2001
WestCost, USA
Im with Kethoticus

The G5 is not out yet.. so why wonder whats going to happen once its releaced. Lets wait for it to ship before we start speculating on things we have no real information about. Its more fun that way.. one of use may even guess right :)

SPG is right.... it is a new game now. New CPU's are just that... NEW. We dont know what the spects are like, what the heat ouput and power consumption will be like. It could get beter or it could get worse. There will not be any clear 1 to 1 ratio of ship date of desktop to ship date of portable.

But hey.. i guess that is what this fourm is for... for us to wast time at work as we are forced to work on our Windows boxes and talk about what we wish apple would do for us.

... i cant wait to get home to my Mac...


Jul 9, 2000
so much speculation

so much speculation is ususally what happens right before an actual product makes its debut in the world of macintosh

i like what i have been hearing on these boards and with what the register has been saying

as the chips are built on yet smaller micron technology, the heat and voltage issues make the hardware world a different game as mentioned above

who really knows, except for engineers at apple and motorola and ibm, when and if the G5 mobile processor will debut at the same time as the desktop version...on this one i will dare not speculate

...i mean, six months ago, who would have thought that pentium 4 would go to 2 GHz and the celeron would surpass 1 GHz? so if the mac world is meant to grow in the same growth spurts starting next year, the sky may be the limit

we can only hope and wait for january's debuts


macrumors 65816
Jul 24, 2001
In the shadow of the Space Needle.
Hi. Um, just want to remind everyone that this is in fact and not, there is one of those and it's called
Wild speculation is what it's all about !
Jef, you did say "january's debuts" as though it's a done deal. I like it. Even when we're telling ourselves not to get swept up in th eexcitement and hope, we still take it like it's a fact.
BTW, I write my posts on a Mac with a 21" screen while it's slow at work. I'm thankful I don't have to use a PC at all.
Keep on guessing and one of us will be right.


macrumors regular
Oct 21, 2001
G5's in Jan

I think it is almost a sure thing for G5's in Jan, but for Powerbooks, I don't think MWNY, most likely MWSF 2003, but it is possible for MWNY. If so, it will most likely come out at 1Ghz, ore maybe 1.2, i would definetely like to see that.


macrumors 65816
Jul 24, 2001
In the shadow of the Space Needle.
How much work would it take to up the current tiBook G4 to a G5 in the same case design? would there really be a lot of work to do? I tend to think that Apple could do it pretty quick if they wanted to, and I guess that's the issue, spread out the thunder of new product announcements to the damn macexpos.


macrumors 65816
Jun 18, 2001
WestCost, USA
Originally posted by SPG
Hi. Um, just want to remind everyone that this is in fact and not, there is one of those and it's called
Wild speculation is what it's all about !
Jef, you did say "january's debuts" as though it's a done deal. I like it. Even when we're telling ourselves not to get swept up in th eexcitement and hope, we still take it like it's a fact.
BTW, I write my posts on a Mac with a 21" screen while it's slow at work. I'm thankful I don't have to use a PC at all.
Keep on guessing and one of us will be right.

Lucky SOB. I hate my Windows Box at work. Its bran new and it crashes all the time. The only good thing about it is I can work on my source code for my computer science classes that require a language that I cant develop on my Mac i.e. LISP, Assembly, Prolog. Im writing this post from my '17 ViewSonic and my 900Mhz Dell. :-( I want my 867 quick silver with '17 Apple LCD that I have at home... I miss her.

Gosh I am Mac geek!

All this speculation is just for fun.... or at least thats how I see it.


macrumors 65816
Jul 24, 2001
In the shadow of the Space Needle.
Since this is a rumors site a lot of us are going on other reported rumors about the G5. If the G5 in production rumor is even close to accurate then we shouldn't feel too optimistic to expect at least an announcement of the G5 at MWSF. What makes you think that we won't see it then? Gut reaction? Pessimism? Other rumors? or even God forbid, Facts?
let the rest of us know why tou don't think we'll see it.
I think it wil be released or announced mainly because it's time has come, the rumors point to it, and if Apple doesn't get on it soon we'll be at 3%.
Evil dead...

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with Spikey a whole lot. Creative post, Spikester, and you didn't need one iota of insults or profanity to do it.

This IS a rumors site, and yes, we can have fun and speculate. But some in this thread ain't speculatin'. They're predicting and believing. All that does is set one up for a let-down.

Let's all speculate 'cuz it's fun to do so. But let's reserve permanent judgement until the facts have been officially announced. I will say this much, however: I've read about the G5's imminence from several different sources now, and not just from rumor sites. This is encouraging. But no one outside Apple, Moto and God has all the facts right now.


macrumors 65816
Jun 18, 2001
WestCost, USA
Re: Evil dead...

Originally posted by Kethoticus
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with Spikey a whole lot. Creative post, Spikester, and you didn't need one iota of insults or profanity to do it.

This IS a rumors site, and yes, we can have fun and speculate. But some in this thread ain't speculatin'. They're predicting and believing. All that does is set one up for a let-down.

Let's all speculate 'cuz it's fun to do so. But let's reserve permanent judgement until the facts have been officially announced. I will say this much, however: I've read about the G5's imminence from several different sources now, and not just from rumor sites. This is encouraging. But no one outside Apple, Moto and God has all the facts right now.

I didnt know that I was fighting with Spikey? As for the insults and profantiy... which ones were those.. when I called him a Luck SOB? That was becuse he gets to use a Mac at work.. while I have to use a Windows2000 Box at my desk. The key word there was LUCKY. I agree with Spikey on the most part.


macrumors regular
Jul 31, 2001
San Luis Obispo, CA
full text

Don't know if anyone else read it, but over at they have the full text of the email from the source. It says a few things that the Register didn't, like that it won't be multi-cored. I agree, though, this chip's time has come. If things don't work out for a MWSF release, one FACT I can assure you of is a very pissed off middle-aged man in a turtleneck and blue jeans!
Sorry for the confusion

I didn't mean to suggest that you, Mr. Evildead, were fighting with anyone. I was just making a personal note there. He and I have had problems recently (I criticized him for his language in these posts) and I wanted to give him credit when I felt it was due. That had nothing to do with you.


macrumors 68030
Sep 13, 2001
Portland, OR

Last I heard, the G5 had about double the power consumption of the G4, which is still not bad considering it's double the clock speed. (And it's still about half of what the P4 uses)
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