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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 17, 2001
Was just watching Fox News with Shepard Smith and he had on editor from PC Magazine Lane Unlinoff and he was very confident that Apple would be announcing an iPhone at MacWorld. "From inside sources and research".. (MacRumors maybe) .. lol. Anyway, there is such HIGH expectations of the iPhone, it's almost doomed before it even launches. Apple's stock is sure to drop if they don't announce it Tuesday.


macrumors 68000
Oct 17, 2006
it will drop 3 points as any typical market reaction might to something people are hoping for, but is not currently even part of the figures used in analysts projections for AAPL. Unless you are using research from analysts AppleInsider deems acceptable to post, this, assuming apples does not introduce the phone, will have a 1-2 day impact no different than last week's rumors regard SEC filings. Look at the AAPL today it's at 85.
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