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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 17, 2003
As i was watching theSteve run through the new iLife and Keynote2 i kept wondering how is this going to integrate with Tiger's Core Image/Video?

It would make a lot of sense to see iPhoto, iMovie and Keynote2 taking advantage of Core Image/Video (CI/V). Will we see a point upgrade after Tiger's release, with the same effects and transitions being implemented via CI/V.

Any speculation ?


Moderator emeritus
Jul 24, 2002
There was a session from WWDC last year that I watched on the web somewhere last week that gave some insight into this. Basically when Tiger ships a lot of this will get done through CoreImage without changing the code! As long as all the frawing is done through Quartz from Cocoa (and in some cases Carbon) then it will run on CoreImage on the GPU as appropriate on Tiger. The guy doind the presentation told developers to use the highest level of abstraction posible as the system could then automatically choose the fastest way of doing things.

The only time you might need to directly call CoreImage would be to use the new ImageUnits to get a built in effect to run.


macrumors 68020
Jan 6, 2004
Raleigh, NC
Zaid said:
As i was watching theSteve run through the new iLife and Keynote2 i kept wondering how is this going to integrate with Tiger's Core Image/Video?

It would make a lot of sense to see iPhoto, iMovie and Keynote2 taking advantage of Core Image/Video (CI/V). Will we see a point upgrade after Tiger's release, with the same effects and transitions being implemented via CI/V.

Any speculation ?

That little image manipulation dashboard he was using with iPhoto looked suspiciously like the Core Image/Video demo they did awhile back, didn't it? ;)


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 17, 2003
robbieduncan said:
There was a session from WWDC last year that I watched on the web somewhere last week that gave some insight into this. Basically when Tiger ships a lot of this will get done through CoreImage without changing the code! As long as all the frawing is done through Quartz from Cocoa (and in some cases Carbon) then it will run on CoreImage on the GPU as appropriate on Tiger. The guy doind the presentation told developers to use the highest level of abstraction posible as the system could then automatically choose the fastest way of doing things.

The only time you might need to directly call CoreImage would be to use the new ImageUnits to get a built in effect to run.


That does make sense. So when Tiger comes out, we should see fantastic performance jumps in iPhoto, iMovie and Keynote.

Then maybe iLife'06 will take even greater advantage of CI/V. Turning iPhoto into a mini photoshop effectively

This raises another interesting question.

What do you thing about some kind of 'CoreData'-esque module being developed which would facilitate the development of a spreadsheet and database for iWork, in much the same way as Pages automatically inherits its advanced typography from the Cocoa text classes?


Moderator emeritus
Jul 24, 2002
Zaid said:
What do you thing about some kind of 'CoreData'-esque module being developed which would facilitate the development of a spreadsheet and database for iWork, in much the same way as Pages automatically inherits its advanced typography from the Cocoa text classes?

CoreData is in Tiger! I don't think it would be any good for spreadsheets but it includes SQLLite as one of it's backends so would be OK for a lightweight database application. CoreData is all about making life easy for a developer. You design your model layer with a graphical tool, then design your UI in InterfaceBuilder and hook the two together with the controller layer (Cocoa Bindings) allowing some apps to be written almost without code!


macrumors 68040
Jan 8, 2003
I suspect it will be iLife 06 before we see Apple really take advantage of Tiger.

iLife 05 is shipping before Tiger, and the installed base of Panther & Jaguar cannot be ignored.
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