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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Mar 22, 2005
How long does your iMac take to boot up to the point where the icons on the desktop appear (this seems to be the last to load on my iMac).

My G5 iMac (1.5GB RAM) takes about 1:55mins which is about the same time as my iBook G4 (512MB RAM) does.

This is not a fresh installed OS X, so what are your boot times for a unfresh OS X 10.4.7?

mad jew

Moderator emeritus
Apr 3, 2004
Adelaide, Australia
pknz said:
My G5 iMac (1.5GB RAM) takes about 1:55mins which is about the same time as my iBook G4 (512MB RAM) does.

Just a quick FYI although you probably already know this: boot times are almost entirely independent of the amount of RAM you have. My iMac G5 doesn't take two minutes but it probably takes about one minute, maybe slightly more. If you think it's taking a long time then check your Login Items in System Preferences (Accounts pane) and also maybe verify your hard disk in Disk Utility. :)


macrumors regular
Aug 27, 2006
Yeah it's pretty much dependant on the ram as you just said. My old PC (before the switch to Mac) had 5GB of ram and it was pretty fast boot. Although in the long run my iMac C2D is faster.


macrumors 68020
Mar 11, 2005
I saw a vid of a G5 boot vs. intel boot and the intel was about 3x faster than the G5. I haven't timed my G5, but it's probably about a minute which is better than my G3 which is close to three minutes.


macrumors 6502a
May 2, 2005
However nice it is to know that brand new C2D iMacs are booting in under 30 seconds... the information is sort of useless.

My powerbook G4 has an "unfresh" 10.4.7 install, and it takes approximately a minute and a half to boot.
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