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macrumors 6502a
Aug 24, 2002
Originally posted by Wren

:rolleyes:Hmmmmmmm... I wouldn't know. I've never layed my hands on a PC ever. What have I been missing? Do tell!!!!!

I'll tell you've been missing the experience of using laptops that aren't meant to be used anywhere but home. 1 hour battery life etc. The PC world is stuck on 8-10lb desktop replacements that are meant to be plugged in... at least Apple's desktop replacement will most likely get 2 hours of battery life. If you think that a 1Ghz pBook isn't powerful simply because it says 1Ghz...that is silly. When it comes to high end laptops that are meant to be used as portables...Apple has excellent choices...even hardcore PC reviewers love the pBook.


macrumors 6502
Jul 25, 2002

I was a staunch desktop user for a long ime, then last year I got a refurbed comcrap for 600 bucks....... just to see how much I'd use a laptop before i actually comitted to a good one for 2000+ dollars. Well, it's now one year later and I have to say I use: ........ My Alienware Desktop PC for gaming (20% of my computer time) ........iMac DV just to keep it up to date and try out OSX software (10% of my computer time), .......and for everything else (about 70% of the time) I'm on my laptop. Unfortunatly the comcrap's wireless pci slot is now bad, and other things are I expected with I will probably have to upgrade soon. 12" G4 book looks great to me...... :D


macrumors 65816
Oct 9, 2002
Sydney, Australia
Originally posted by Wren

:rolleyes:Hmmmmmmm... I wouldn't know. I've never layed my hands on a PC ever. What have I been missing? Do tell!!!!!

you have been missing the following:

microsoft IE no matter what :'(
configuration period
low battery life
the dell logo
and did i mention frustration?

you get the idea. if you never use a pc all you really miss out on is CounterStrike. thats all.


macrumors 68030
Originally posted by benixau

you have been missing the following:

microsoft IE no matter what :'(
configuration period
low battery life
the dell logo
and did i mention frustration?

you get the idea. if you never use a pc all you really miss out on is CounterStrike. thats all.

Thank you! At last someone who understands me! :D :D



macrumors regular
Jul 22, 2002

Jesus, I haven't posted here in ages and nothing has changed. You don't like the current offerings by Apple? then don't buy one! You want to know exactly when a G5 for 999$ is going to be released because in your opinion the current lineup is crap? well, noone knows!
Either a Mac does what you want and you are ok with the price or you better stick with what you have.
*whine whine whine* yes, G4s are slower than P4s. But I can't say I max out this P4 2GHz usually. If you do, fine. I don't. My gripe lately has been the sluggish Finder among other things and it not even having an optional tree view. the GHz shouldn't matter for things like those, it's just bad programming. Sold my G4 466 half a year ago due to the OS behaving like crap or maybe I tried to use it faster than mere mortals do, who knows. I'll look at the PB12" when they are in stores and might switch back from FreeBSD to OSX if the OS is up to speed by then.
Any ideas about Finder replacements and an app that implements multiple workspaces the unix way in os x (if anyone suggests he will be beaten to death with a wet noodle)?


macrumors 68020
May 9, 2001
If I use laptops?... I have 2 Pismos!!!

My main computer is a Pismo, I have a secund one that I do not use that much and I have a Dual 500 tower that I use because it has 2 hard drives in it.

I can run very well with my two Pismos, I do not need desk tops specially because I want to run everything via Firewire.

Desktops are for people with Avid systems or the expensive Protools, just because they use PCI cards. That is it.

In my case I do not need PCI any more and the computers are getting so fast that they can do right now most of the job donde by a PCI card 3 years ago. So, no need.

The rest could be peripherals. Of course we may expect the evolution of the laptop as the main computer, we are not there ergonomically but we do in power.
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