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macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 10, 2011
So I have a new Mac running Big Sur with Apple Music and coming from an old Mac that had Sierra running iTunes. I always had my complete iTunes library (music, tv, movies, etc.) stored on an external HD and will be doing the same so I don't fill up my boot drive. Prior to moving everything over, I copied all my files to another drive so I could upgrade the old drive to utilize APFS and back then Migration Assistant to transfer my data from a Time Machine backup to my new Mac.

After pointing Apple music to the correct directory under Music > Preferences > File > Music Media folder location > (this is where I pick my iTunes folder on my external drive), it doesn't see any of my music files despite everything being there. I have "Keep music media folder organized" and "Copy files to music media folder" checked and I tried to consolidate my library after but nothing. I still get the "!" when I attempt to play a song and a popup saying to "locate" the file.

I don't remember iTunes ever giving me any of these issues so am I missing a step somewhere or do something wrong?
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