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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 14, 2023
London, England
Hi, thanks to a local discount, I have the option of buying one of the following two models at the same discounted price:

M2 MAX 14” 30 core GPU 32 GB RAM 1 TB SSD


M2 PRO 16” 19 core GPU 32 GB RAM 1 TB SSD

I could also get the latter with 16 GB of RAM for a bit less money, but my fear - perhaps unfounded - is that 16 GB is just too little.
I already went to the store and tried both but I have no obvious preference. I guess the larger screen is nice for watching movies but the smaller one doesn’t suck either. In any case, I would use it to code, watch movies, use parallels desktop and sometimes train some machine learning models - but nothing major as for serious stuff I need to connect to a cluster. My current machine is a late 2016 touch bar 15” macbook pro.
Please help me, I am thinking about this so much that it starts affecting my life. My girlfriend thought something was wrong yesterday night as I didn’t say a word all dinner but I was just thinking about possible configurations to buy.


macrumors G3
Feb 13, 2011
Baltimore, Maryland
I think those doing graphic-intensive work would benefit from the MAX processor configuration. Since you don't need that, really, and don't need the extra RAM available to the MAX you're likely better off with the PRO.

With the PRO model you listed (16")…list pricing makes it so that it's $200 more for a bigger screen, bigger and longer lasting battery, and heavier unit over the 14". That actually sounds like $200 well spent. If the discounted price of the 16" is closer than $200 to what you can find a 14" with the same specs otherwise…then even better.


macrumors 68000
May 17, 2011
Since your use cases don't appear to benefit from the larger GPU, and the CPU performance is identical, it comes down to size, and only you can know whether you prefer a larger screen or better portability. Since you list virtualisation as use case I would not get anything less than 32GB of RAM.
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macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
If you don't mind the larger screen, BUY THAT ONE.

Some folks, however, would find the 16" "too much to carry around"...


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 14, 2023
London, England
Well, I carry it around in a backpack so once the backpack is big enough it doesn’t really make much difference and right now it is a desktop replacement for me. If I had an external monitor I would surely go for the 14 paradoxically. But right now that’s not an option. I’m just doubtful that maybe the m2 max could be faster as the ram speed is also higher


macrumors 68040
Feb 1, 2008
I read the max runs hot, throttles, drains battery more on the 14". If your going max id prob go with 16"


macrumors newbie
Jan 5, 2017
Good choice on the 16. You'll be happy with the larger screen and the max CPU.

Thinking about stuff like this during dinner with your GF is risky, just sayin! :D
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