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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 30, 2007
Sunnyvale, CA
Got a Incase Leather Fitted Sleeve at the Apple store the other day...
I wasn't crazy about the cheezy white stitching on the outside, but figured this would best suit my needs. It has a "clip" style belt-clip, which I prefer... I don't like the "swivel clip" style cases because it causes the phone to stick out over 1" from your waist and it's difficult to feel the "vibe" when phone is on that setting.

Anyways... opened up the InCase and there was sticky glue all over the inside of the case. Grrr... tried to clean it out a little and put in my iPhone. The iPhone didn't quite fit in properly, the whole alignment seemed to be off. I took out the iPhone and guess what? One side of it had sticky glue residue all over it... was able to clean it off with a little water though, but still... just crappy sloppy workmanship. Not worth it for $35!

Luckily I bought a few cases (4 to be exact, including the iSee) and am not 100% happy with any of them. 3 of them are definitely getting returned! The only one I've yet to open and try is the "Griffin Elan Holster Case"... I'm not too crazy about the looks of that one either, but it's one of the few cases that has the standard "clip" on it. This will have to do for now... in a few months there'll probably be more to choose from... I hope!


macrumors 603
Dec 20, 2002
sunny los angeles
it sounds like you just got a bad one :confused:

i got the same incase sleeve and it fits my iPhone perfectly, I couldn't be happier about it.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 30, 2007
Sunnyvale, CA
Yeah, maybe that's it... any problems with glue in yours?

I even had problems taking out the cardboard insert inside - it was stuck to the case!


macrumors 603
Dec 20, 2002
sunny los angeles
Yeah, maybe that's it... any problems with glue in yours?

I even had problems taking out the cardboard insert inside - it was stuck to the case!

Nope, nothing at all. No glue, no problems whatsoever.

I've generally been very happy with incase products, no idea why you're having so much bad luck :( Although I'd totally agree with you - the incase case was the best out of all the crappy ones for me, I can't find one that I like yet.


macrumors newbie
Nov 4, 2003
Yeah, slim pickings when it came to case/sleeve selections. But it's too be expected. ;)

I picked up one of the leather incase sleeve too. Did not notice any glue gunk inside, I'll take my iPhone out tonight to check.

Construction of the sleeve is a tad sloppy. Stitching is far from perfect.

On the whole I'm happy with it, especially when it prevents scratches on my iPhone. :D

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
I, too, have the InCase leather case with the belt problems here. I agree about the cheesy white stitching, though. Eh.... Oh, well, this thing does fit the iPhone very well. I really prefer using the phone without a case, though, and have also found that docking it is easier without a case, too.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 30, 2007
Sunnyvale, CA
Yea.. I got the Griffin Elan Holster Case... I love it. Works great.

Yeah, I "field tested" mine tonight...
Well, one thing you don't have to worry about is the phone falling out - this thing is SNUG... almost too snug, very difficult to take the phone out.

But, it's the best one I got for now... I'm leaving my old RAZR in it over night to try and stretch it out a bit, will see how that works.


macrumors member
Jun 13, 2007
I returned my case

My incase stitched leather case was way off. The volume opening was off resulting in the case pushing my volume lever up constantly. It also was a little shoddy and not a perfect fit.

I returned it and bought the case mate leather case they sell at AT&T and like it much better. More form fitting and solid.
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