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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 11, 2011
Using Mojave on my desktop and Big Sur on my MBA-M1, but the both have the same troublesome issue.
The font in Finder is just too small.
I have them set to 16, the largest size ava, and I am still squinting and leaning in to read them. Hitting Cmd + will increase the size of web pages, but has no effect on the finder windows. And after changing the font size to 16, it may or may not remember that for the next time I open a finder window.
If I change the display settings to a lower rez they will be bigger, but, according to Apple Tech Chat, that will also decrease the rez of any video display, thus adversely affecting the capabilities of the hi-rez retina display which is a strong attribute of the higher end modern displays.
A simple fix would be to allow the increase in font size to greater than 16, but that is not available??? If so, how while keeping the native rez?

Is there a workaround for this? I see many complaints about font size too small, but no solutions to the finder issue, only the web pages.
Also, when in the Finder...view display options...set as default does NOT set as default. The next time I open that fider window it has likely reverted to a 15 or even a 12 pt font.

Any help greatly appreciated for my elder eyes


macrumors 6502a
Apr 23, 2020
There are two tricks in System Preferences > Accessibility > Zoom.
1. "Use scroll gesture with modifier keys to zoom", which will Zoom in the whole screen when the special key is used (however, text and images may become blurry)
2. "Enable hover text", which shows larger text when the Command key is pressed.
Try and choose what suits you more.
Hope this helps.


macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 11, 2011
Thanks, Appletech. I've tried those two things and yes they work, but add extra steps. A simple ability to increase font size would be the most direct way to address it globally, without acrobatics of one hand or two hand use.
I was hoping that maybe somewhere in terminal the font size could be addressed?
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