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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 31, 2002
Hello everyone, I want to pull off a little stunt here.
My problem is: I have an Amiga 4000 with many old files on it in the basement. On two IDE HDs. Now, here is what I want to do: Transfer the files via plugging the HDs simply into the Quicksilver PowerMac. All I need is a Amiga Filesystem.
I heard that there is Amiga Filesystem Support for some Linux version, I just dont know which.
This link in the Google cache shows that there is a filesystem. Maybe even some buff ported the Amiga filesystem for OS X/Darwin/BSD/whatever.

I am really no expert, and I would be very thankful for any hints concerning:
- Installing Linux(Suse?) on my Mac
- Linux documentation
- Terminal how-to, Console commands
- compiling(?) and running *.c files and such

In the end, I want to transfer files and also learn something about Unix stuff. No, the Amiga has no ethernet and no other usable option (besides floppies :rolleyes: )
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