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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 2, 2011
I'll try to get this all out without to much rambling!

My original 60G HD was maxed out, so I recently installed a 2nd internal HD (western digital 250G) as a slave drive. I want to intall my OS (tiger) onto this slave drive. This new drive does contain picture & music backup. Does this data need to be removed to install Tiger? Do I need to change the slave setting?


I recently installed iLife '08. This was required to be installed on the original 60G HD because this is where the os is. When I imported my pictures (all stored on the new WD 250G HD) to iPhoto, it copied them to the 60G HD...NOT ENOUGH ROOM! Thus, the photo library is incomplete.

I'd like to install Tiger to the new 250 Hd and boot up from there, install iLife there, and be off and running.

Is this all possible? Does this make sense? Or am I being ignorant to some simpler solutions? I am open to all suggestions. Thank you much!

:apple:Running OS X 10.4.11 on G4 Quicksilver, 933MHz, 2MB L3 cache, 1.12 GB ram, 60GB HD, 250 HD:apple:
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