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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 26, 2009
My wife's 2020 MBA is acting up. The other day, even though she'd fully charged it, it refused to start up. We plugged it in and it eventually showed the charging battery icon. Which was weird because, again, she'd fully charged it just a couple of hours earlier.

Eventually it booted up with something like 6% battery. And it was DOG SLOW. I managed to open Activity Monitor and saw kernel_task was at 549%. Googled around, did some reboot magic holding down the power key, etc. and it started up fine this time. We recharged it and it seemed OK.

But then I noticed that I never hear the fans again, and usually the fans spin up when she's using Chrome. She said that it seemed hot when she took it off the charger.

And now the battery is dead again, even though it was fully charged just a few hours ago and she wasn't using it -- it was just sitting on the counter, closed.

Trying to decide if this is worth troubleshooting or if I should just start shopping.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 26, 2009
2020 M1 or Intel model? If M1, pay for battery replacement as that model will last some years more with updates. If Intel, cut your losses and buy used M1 MBA.
Intel. Sorry, should have said that.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 26, 2009
Just closing the loop on this for any lurkers... I updated the OS (she's still on Ventura, but had some new updates) and reset the SMC and it seems to be working just fine now. 🤷‍♂️

I think some runaway process was killing the battery in the background, causing everything heat up. When I updated, it killed/fixed whatever had run amok.
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