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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 14, 2011
unusual question but i need to make an international call however my plan doesn't allow it (im in canada trying to call the UK), though i thought what if i facetime a relative in the UK, they answer on their iPad, then they call the company on their phone and put the 2 on loudspeaker.. would this be clear enough to speak to each other? as facetime is very clear.

i was thinking of possible ways with some cable to maybe route the mic from one to the other but i'm not sure its possible.


macrumors member
Nov 12, 2019
I guess it could work if you put the 2 loud speakers in a way that they won’t interfere with each other. But time lag could be an issue.

Might as well purchase a Skype international calling package for uk. Could cost few bucks. It’s easier and cheaper this way. Or you can check out other apps that provide international calling services.


macrumors 601
Jul 30, 2007
Tokyo, Japan
I guess it depends on how important the call is to you (and how much you're willing to pay for a good/stable connection).

A long time ago I used calling cards for international calls (back when it cost $2-3/minute to call overseas on a mobile) and more recently, SIP providers (I think I used last time I needed local numbers in several countries, for work) ...


macrumors regular
Sep 29, 2017
I live as an expat in Indonesia and frequently
need to make person to person calls to Australia. I use Skype for this and I have found it to be by far the cheapest method.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 14, 2011
yeah the issue was i needed to contact HMRC so skype etc is not an option, i did it through loud speaker and was actually ok, lag wasn't an issue just the phone line their end wasn't that clear but regular phone calls often aren't great.
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