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Original poster
Jan 30, 2015
Astronomers Coffee Break Conundrum No.1

Time to be concerned about the people who own the major websites we use to socially interact on, and exchange new ideas and theories.
Whatever your thoughts on this Wave Phenomenon (mine leans towards atmospheric layering). The more important thing here is ..... Censorship on Youtube seems to be going in very disturbing directions.

[Warning: This is a Secure Team video …. so before you roll your eyes and 'switch off' in all senses of the word …. see Footnote below].

Cover-ups start with censorship. Why they should want to destroy Crow 777's channel is a mystery? Maybe the US shadow government don't want people with high tech gear looking closely at our moon? In all spectrums other than the visible. Why not?

Shouldn't the astronomy community be worried about these sorts of developments and raise a protest to the Committee that run Youtube? Bearing in mind many pioneering discoveries come from the amateur astronomy community …. and they need protecting too.

Freedom of speech and exchange of scientific ideas are under threat here.

Important Footnote: Secure Team content has it's critics -especially in the scientific community. The reason I used this particular link was because of the video's overview perspective and some of the comments made.

Please don't bother to ridicule and highlight other Secure Team content on this thread ..... to try and undermine the importance of this issue and distract from the main concerns of the OP.

I have seen Secure Team content before and, as with the 'hologram' idea, don't hold to this or some theories expressed in other videos ..... this OP is less about the theories, more about the censorship.... you want to discuss those other videos and their theories .... please do it elsewhere.


macrumors 68020
Mar 23, 2009
How is it "censorship" when copies of the supposedly "censored" video are posted either in whole or in part (as above) are still available on YouTube?

Is there some discussion of the real reason (if known) that can be READ, rather than sitting through 11 minutes of slow-moving video?

Sorry, I hate how so many YouTube posters (regardless of subject) d r a g i t o u t. I guess it has something to do with monetization. But, geez, I can go to the library and check out a book that tells me how to fix a faucet, before any of the fix-a-faucet videos will GET TO THE POINT!

I presume that channel was deleted over some violation of TOS. For example, maybe he used copyrighted video. Maybe he disparaged somebody. I dunno. I'm unfamiliar. And it wouldn't be that hard to engineer this to happen - either from inside (the owner of the channel perhaps WANTED it taken down - perhaps because he knew/thought it would generate a buzz and greater interest) or outside (a competitor or somebody with an opposing view - but as economics is always the greater motive... a competitor...)
[doublepost=1511889400][/doublepost]I found some discussion and some posts of the notices from YouTube.

It seems it's over "spamming". Something about "repetitive videos trying to lead viewers offsite". As well, there seem to have been some issues about hate speech.

As well, I found a post by crrow777 himself of a screen shot where Google flagged his site as containing malware. (He claims it's "lies").

I took a chance, and navigated to his site on my Mac in Chrome. I have additional Malware detection in my router. I did not get a malware warning. I got his site which touts "free episodes" and has "become a member". So, IMO, it's just about money.

(Edited to reflect that I initially navigated to the wrong site, and got a series of redirects to a Dell website.)

Nobody gives a hoot about "censoring" videos claiming that the moon is a hologram. YouTube EXISTS to entertain! They get testy when they perceive you are messing with their revenue. The video above makes that claim that YouTube will not say why they deleted the channel. Yet crrow777 himself posted several of the notices that he received, and they all state a reason. That's a lie of omission. A favorite of these kinds of mysterio channels, as well as a certain President...


If the guy can make money off of people watching manipulated videos of a static subject (the Moon) all day, God love em'! Only in 'Merica!
Last edited:


Original poster
Jan 30, 2015
People can speculate other reasons than the ones Youtube gave in the letter …. until the cows come home, …. that speculation is irrelevant and just a distraction ….. if Youtube have other reasons …. more valid reasons for shutting down the channel, let's hear them. If something else comes to light that isn't 'fake' news or speculation ….. we can take the debate onwards from there.

Why would someone with 80,000 plus Subscribers to his channel generating a healthy income from his videos want to scupper all that for what you are suggesting was a publicity stunt?? Doesn't make sense.

As I mentioned, Crow777 appears to be an amateur astronomer who has high tech camera equipment doing intensive monitoring of the moon etc with gear that can scan frequencies outside the visible spectrum. Stealth aircraft and other highly advanced aerial objects reported being seen flitting in and out the visible spectrum might embarrass the authorities into having to do even more covering up than they are already doing. :p

People think this is the reason his channel was pulled over a half-baked complaint.

Amateurs with high tech gear not only embarrass professionals with pioneering discoveries ….. they are 'rogue' elements that ask awkward questions!

This wasn't a fight about money ….. but power, control, censorship ….. and maybe to protect shadow government secret projects?
Holographic moon? Nah! ….. I'm speculating the first holographic president is in the White House ….. the orange glow was the clue ….;) … just a slight glitch in the colour matrix.


Original poster
Jan 30, 2015
I thought the video was about an amateur astronomer's interesting observation about strange, possibly optical/thermal waves seen traversing the lunar landscape. Allegedly also observed by other independent sources - which might eliminate theories it was a camera glitch …. and reinforce theories of thermal layering between the camera sources and the moon.

Amateur astronomers noticing strange anomolies out there has led to many amazing discoveries, which makes their contribution to science incredibly important in this day and age as high quality tech gets more affordable.

Each observation has to be judged on the evidence presented and not thrown out 'with the dish water' because people want to slap a 'conspiracy theory' label on it ….. and say basically ….. "turn of your analytical brain off, people ….. there is nothing to see here …. time to move along now".

When professional astronomers step back from getting their precious reputations 'muddy' delving along the edges of SETI/UFO research and don't want to defend amateur astronomy enthusiasts censored by Youtube then it is a sad day for open-mindedness and free speech.

Surely there is someone out there reading this who can get someone to kick Youtube Admin up the backside and get this guy's popular channel re-instated ….. and give his 80,000 Subscribers something to speculate about and create occassional 'mad' theories about.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 8, 2008
I thought the video was about an amateur astronomer's interesting observation about strange, possibly optical/thermal waves seen traversing the lunar landscape. Allegedly also observed by other independent sources - which might eliminate theories it was a camera glitch …. and reinforce theories of thermal layering between the camera sources and the moon.

Amateur astronomers noticing strange anomolies out there has led to many amazing discoveries, which makes their contribution to science incredibly important in this day and age as high quality tech gets more affordable.

Each observation has to be judged on the evidence presented and not thrown out 'with the dish water' because people want to slap a 'conspiracy theory' label on it ….. and say basically ….. "turn of your analytical brain off, people ….. there is nothing to see here …. time to move along now".

When professional astronomers step back from getting their precious reputations 'muddy' delving along the edges of SETI/UFO research and don't want to defend amateur astronomy enthusiasts censored by Youtube then it is a sad day for open-mindedness and free speech.

Surely there is someone out there reading this who can get someone to kick Youtube Admin up the backside and get this guy's popular channel re-instated ….. and give his 80,000 Subscribers something to speculate about and create occassional 'mad' theories about.

Oh, I am all for amateur astronomers doing work and even working the SETI side of it, but a quick Google on "Secure Team" brings up nothing but rhetoric junk with no scientific backing revolving around conspiracy theories. Sorry, but these guys are't even amateurs in my opinion, they are just hacks trying to stir the Enquirer side of science. This is coming from a guy who has sat out back and looked at the stars on many occasions and still has a scope in his posession.

As for hoping that someone will read this and fix the problem, don't hold your breath. If you want that channel back, I suggest you contact YouTube directly.


macrumors 68020
Mar 23, 2009
Really, I think they put more effort into elaborate graphics than in astronomy...

The effect reminds me of glitches typical of slow-scan television transmission - used to send images back from some early space shots (and used by radio amateurs). Notice how the image gets displaced in x and y from some random point in the image, as if data has been lost.

Is it a coincidence that I received a notice from San Diego IEEE of this upcoming talk?

"Observing through atmospheric turbulence: the image processing point of view

Co-hosted by Photonics Society and Digital Signal Processing Society

Abstract: Long range imaging systems are widely used nowadays, especially in military application. Unfortunately, in such distances, the impact of the atmospheric turbulence is non-negligible and results in distorted images which make target detection and recognition more challenging. In this talk, I will address separately the two main problems of image restoration and moving target detection. First, I will present that turbulence deterioration can modeled as a combination of blurring and geometric distortion operators. The restoration process then consists in inverting these operators. The geometric distortion can be inverted by estimating the deformation flow by an optical flow technique and the blur operator can be inverted by deconvolution based on a physical model. In the second part of this talk, I will present how movement flows due to a moving target and the turbulence can be separated based on a decomposition model using dual functional spaces. The processed flows can then be used to feed a detection/tracking algorithm."

The conspiracy thickens! Obviously whoever is behind this dastardly plot has now spread out their minions to academia to convince us that the moon is real and this is all just atmospheric distortion. They have now kicked their campaign into high gear, striking at the very heart of the military-industrial complex!


Original poster
Jan 30, 2015
the moon is real and this is all just atmospheric distortion.

Yeh, that was the main conclusion in the OP video …. can't quite see why Youtube over-reacted …. very weird ….. this channel was not the first to be targeted ….. if people say nothing ….. one day they come for you and your channel for no reason? ….. it's not quite a Nazi Germany scenario …. but you get my point ….
Say you had a channel with a large Subscriber base. That takes alot of time and energy and independent research to build up. That eventually provides your living. That you quit your stable job for because it is your 'passion'. All blown away overnight for reasons possibly out of your control?

These Youtube owners are really beginning to 'lose the plot'. ….. We really need either new people in charge of Youtube who will protect the integrity of people's data ….. or a new mainstream independent video channel that isn't doing this to people ….. anyone know one that might fit the bill?
Oh, I am all for amateur astronomers doing work and even working the SETI side of it, but a quick Google on "Secure Team" brings up nothing but rhetoric junk with no scientific backing revolving around conspiracy theories. Sorry, but these guys are't even amateurs in my opinion, they are just hacks trying to stir the Enquirer side of science.

I don't quite get that impression ….. I think they are genuinely trying to explain the anomalies they are focussing on but even I find some of the speculation and interpretation on occassions, too left field for serious consideration.

As I've said elsewhere, you have to sift alot of dirt to find the odd diamond. These people occassionally stumble on something genuinely interesting, so it's worth the ride ….. here is a reposting of a Crrow777 piece on the 'wave' mentioned …. he seems to be a guy genuinely keen to analyse stuff without jumping to conclusions …. from this clip at least.

Shows footage from more than one source which adds a new twist to the interpretation slightly. Let me know what you think?

As you know, we are all amateurs having a bit of fun trying to interpret anomalies in our universe …. so it's not something that professional astronomers should really criticise too harshly, eh?

The fact these guys can make a living doing it, good luck to them ….. they obviously work blinking hard to produce so many video mini documentaries a week …. not sure how they do it, unless they've got whole teams working behind the scenes churning it out.


Original poster
Jan 30, 2015
Looks like you're getting distracted again …. focus on the subject on the card, guys.

Getting back to the point ….. another Youtube Channel Science Investigator is under threat …. this time for alleged Copyright infringement ….. Mr MBB333. Well known for posting this:

The prominence NASA + Astronomers don't seem to like discussing in detail and probably wishes would disappear.

He had his first copyright infringement a few days ago. After several years, 45 million views, 1.2k subscribers and many, many videos posted. Following on from Crrow777, he is fighting to save his Channel ….. probably the usual suspects are involved as mentioned above. Here are details.

In the comments section one guy said the following(Hope my profile doesn't get shut down for quoting him without permission):
"Youtube has MrMBB333 in crosshairs" - Umm... no... I don't know why channels like yours continue to paint YouTube as your enemy, why do you want to fight a war with YouTube? What is this obsession with wanting to be censored all the time? You are ridiculously misunderstanding what a "Copyright Strike" is and who exactly is responsible... if you use ANY amount of other people's work, you MUST be prepared to receive a Copyright Strike and fight for your case of Fair Use... if you simply reupload other people's work without permission... regardless of what "popular website" it was on then you ARE in the wrong no matter how much you want to paint it as "YouTube Censorship". If you feel you were in the right then file a Counter Notification against the people who filed it. YouTube has ZERO to do with Copyright Strikes, it is strictly between you and the claimant... and no, an "algorithm" did not "decide" to target your videos, the DMCA was filed manually. I suggest you research the steps to take and Copyright Law before you become a terminated user... and no... you cannot just create another channel and come back once terminated... once you are terminated, you are a terminated user permanently... regardless of how much you want to paint yourself as a victim, you have everything you need to know and tools to fix it at your fingertips right now... whether you want to (or legally can) fix it... is another question that only you know the answer to.

This reply just posted:

Youtube the Enemy? Because lately Youtube has been closing a spate of websites shadow government obviously doesn't like for some odd reason. It happened to Crow777 the other day. Where do you get the impression MrMbb333 wants to get censored and terminated? Odd thing to say. It's probably his full time job and the revenue is much needed support for his family. Re: Copyright Strikes: It looks like MrMBB333 is more careful than most when it comes to copywrite, he is an experienced user, 45million+ views, many many videos with NO COMPLAINTS ….. if this complaint has been handle manually, then the person processing this must judge if this third party claim is genuine ….. especially if suddenly 3 pop up within a few days and the Channel is automatically shut down…. go figure how suspicious that looks ….. if shadow government creates websites with subject matter that might be interesting to people whose channels they want to shut down ….. they wait around for the day when you've linked to them for the third time (even if it's third party linking)…. then wack in the first Copyright Strike offence, followed by two more a day or so later from different sites to cloud the source ….. Bingo! Channel shut down. What makes Youtube the villains of this piece is they are either complicit in these Channel pull-downs, and rigged the rules accordingly ….or so naive to this scam the guy manually processing this needs to go back to spy school for beginners!

I agree with what you say about appealing ….. but that won't do any good if Youtube don't spot a bad smell like this when it pops up. Prove your innocence Youtube …. you are really on trial here, and if you don't side with the people, then you are an enemy of the people and word of mouth will finish you. Wait and see!



macrumors 68020
Mar 23, 2009
He blotted out the name of the complainant - claiming he doesn't want to get in trouble for "copyright" for naming them.

He can't get in trouble for copyright by naming them. That's not what copyright is about. Copyright is about the right to control the publication of your own content.

He admits he took the video from "a major website".

Just move along, and don't do it again.

He is not "fighting to save his channel". He got one copyright takedown. If he makes a stink about it, and just defies the rules, sure, his channel will be in jeopardy.

Lots of copyright takedown are not legit, but not because somebody is trying to suppress some crazy conspiracy stories. It's because of competitors that want to shut down their competition. If it was not legit, it was probably a fellow conspiracy theorist that doesn't like having competition, and is willing to fight dirty for bucks.

These people need to learn Occam's Razor.


macrumors G3
Aug 19, 2008
The Anthropocene
He blotted out the name of the complainant - claiming he doesn't want to get in trouble for "copyright" for naming them.

He can't get in trouble for copyright by naming them. That's not what copyright is about. Copyright is about the right to control the publication of your own content.

He admits he took the video from "a major website".

Just move along, and don't do it again.

He is not "fighting to save his channel". He got one copyright takedown. If he makes a stink about it, and just defies the rules, sure, his channel will be in jeopardy.

Lots of copyright takedown are not legit, but not because somebody is trying to suppress some crazy conspiracy stories. It's because of competitors that want to shut down their competition. If it was not legit, it was probably a fellow conspiracy theorist that doesn't like having competition, and is willing to fight dirty for bucks.

These people need to learn Occam's Razor.
Yeah but this way they can claim censorship and get more "credibility."

But this is all a distraction. Reptilian shape shifters are here among us.


macrumors regular
Nov 26, 2010
Washington, DC
Why exactly would Youtube even care about blocking kooks like these? You’re reading far too much intent into YouTube’s normal activities, which, given the inherent paranoia of these types of folks, isn’t too surprising.


Original poster
Jan 30, 2015
Who knows if this is a storm in a teacup ….. some more exchanges related.

Youtube defender continues:

"It seems you're willing to look past anything to defend MrMBB333...

"Because lately Youtube has been closing a spate of websites shadow government obviously doesn't like for some odd reason." - Yes, everything is a conspiracy... kinda like when YouTube accidentally terminated Keemstar because Keemstar... as we all know... is spreading too much truth that the shadow government doesn't like. Oh and let's just ignore that Crow777 is now reinstated... because that wouldn't exactly go with our theory now would it? lol

"Where do you get the impression MrMbb333 wants to get censored and terminated?" - Because only someone who wants that... would blame YouTube for a Copyright Complaint filed by a 3rd party... who MUST proceed with the takedown if the information they provide seem to be correct... in order to protect the site from being sued.

"It looks like MrMBB333 is more careful than most when it comes to copywrite" - Of course you would say that since you're probably a fan... but if you actually knew what Copyright was and what is and isn't acceptable... you would know that uploading ANY 3rd party content is a risk he is taking. So no... he's not "more careful than most" just because he might say so or because you deem him in a higher regard.

"he is an experienced user, 45million+ views" - Copyright Infringement doesn't care how many views you have or how experienced you are at YouTube lol... completely irrelevant.

"many many videos with NO COMPLAINTS" - Once again, if you knew anything about Copyright, you would know that just because many copyright holders either haven't found existing copyright violations on his channel... or have simply chosen not to file a complaint... does not mean that no Copyright Violation took place. It only takes 1 single video containing a Copyright Violation to receive 1 strike, regardless of how many videos are on the channel.

"if this complaint has been handle manually, then the person processing this must judge if this third party claim is genuine" - YouTube will only prevent a Copyright Complaint from going ahead if they believe the information provided is fraudulent... or if they believe the video STRONGLY abides by Fair Use... which is extremely rare... nor are they required to do so... and yes, the complaint was filed manually.... as all DMCA complaints are.

"especially if suddenly 3 pop up within a few days and the Channel is automatically shut down…. go figure how suspicious that looks" - That is not "suspicious"... there are thousands of channels uploading copyrighted content everyday... therefore many Copyright Holders have to file 3 Copyright Complaints on a single channel if there are 3 or more videos with their content in them... in no way is it "suspicious" just because 3 strikes happens to cause termination.

"if shadow government creates websites with subject matter that might be interesting to people whose channels they want to shut down ….. they wait around for the day when you've linked to them for the third time (even if it's third party linking)…. then wack in the first Copyright Strike offence, followed by two more a day or so later from different sites to cloud the source ….. Bingo! Channel shut down." - I don't really care about cute little made-up theories you've convinced yourself are real... I'd rather talk about facts and things based on evidence... it's called a "Counter Notification", it is absolutely unbeatable if you're in the right and you actually file one... people who know they aren't in the right make videos and make loud noises about YouTube Censorship in the hope that people are ignorant about the Counter Notification form or how the legal process works.

"What makes Youtube the villains of this piece is they are either complicit in these Channel pull-downs" - Once again, you are ignorant regarding this... YouTube must abide by the legal process of the DMCA... if they do not they leave themselves open to being sued for the actions of their users.

"and rigged the rules accordingly ….or so naive to this scam the guy manually processing this needs to go back to spy school for beginners!" - It's called Copyright Law... you're going off now on things not based on fact... yes... YouTube rigged Copyright Law so that the rogue agents of the shadow government can secretly get employed at YouTube and pass Copyright Complaints which are wrong in order to give channels the shadow government doesn't like 3 strikes and therefore a termination... man, it'd be so much easier to spout something like that instead of filing a Counter Notification and go through the legal process for something I claim to be in the right about, lol.

"I agree with what you say about appealing ….. but that won't do any good if Youtube don't spot a bad smell like this when it pops up." - A Counter Notification doesn't go to YouTube... it goes to the claimant who filed the complaint... who then have 14 days to sue or else the video gets automatically put back up and the strike lifted.... see what I mean about unbeatable if you're in the right?

"Prove your innocence Youtube …. you are really on trial here, and if you don't side with the people, then you are an enemy of the people and word of mouth will finish you. Wait and see!" - Spare the emotional speech like YouTube is reading lol... ironic how a legitimate copyright complaint filed by a 3rd party against someone who refuses to file a counter notification becomes.... "youtube is on trial"... see what I mean about desperately wanting YouTube to be your enemy regardless of who the situation is actually over? lol, whoever is the shadow agent at YouTube.... they need to be fired immediately, they're doing a ****ing abysmal job of eliminating conspiracy channels... yet the conspiracy channels make videos like it's the apocalypse when they get a taste of what everyone else on the platform has to deal with lol."


Firstly, good news about Crrow777's reinstatement ….. a relief to many who are fighting censorship on the Internet …..not CT but CFact when people/politicians/media lose elections then talk about censoring the Internet (a debate for another time/place).The worry here is laws to censor extreme speech/video can be used in a wider capacity to censor other things government doesn't want us to see/hear. It is a constant battle the EFF are fighting to protect our Internet Freedom and Free Speech which Governments and shadow governments(who we finance to represent our interests) don't seem to believe in, by their actions.

NASA has been exposed many times censoring data from the ISS and Helioviewer which has created the need for Channels(Crrow/MrMB) dealing with interesting/weird observations of our System.

When NASA behaves like shadow government to hide evidence of UFO's etc, then gives $1.1million to religious groups gaugeing impact of ET disclosure, then we have a conflict of interest issue and truth and trust in NASA goes out the window. With so many media/information outlets on the Internet being owned/run/financed by people from one particular religious organisation …. and censorship becomes an issue …. a very unhealthy situation takes on serious alarmist overtones. We are still dealing CFact here.

Secondly, I understand many of the points you are making and agree with some and hope the successful appeal process with Crrow777 isn't a one-off due to public pressure. There shouldn't be an ongoing battle with authority or Youtube by the people ….. if TPTB did the right thing, were open and honest with their tax paymasters, we wouldn't have to sift all the BS!….. on both sides.

Strange you seem to catagorise Crrow777 and MrMBB333 Channels alongside the more extreme side of CT when there is much fact in their content.

No, we don't want Youtube to be our enemy at all, we all like the channel and want it to work for us, ….. and protect our interests. Copyright is a genuine problem, Youtube needs to 'evolve' it's way of tackling it.

MrMBB333 in the video clearly doesn't want his channel pulled so why say otherwise?Your reasoning doesn't make sense.

He admits fault, holds up his hands, sounds genuinely puzzled by the complaint. What I think confuses old school Internet users is that posting links to other content used to be regarded as promoting that content to a wider audience with a nod of respect, not Copyright Infringement. Directing traffic and attention their way+revenue if the site is monetised or carries ads was doing the guy a favour …. or so MrMB probably thought. Which gives this complaint a very bad odour and thus a CT angle. Lawyers and big business who have arrived late to the Internet party and are trying to take over, monetise and censor the Internet to their own ends don't understand that ethos and wrap their sue opportunity litigation into the small print of User Terms+Conditions. They will happily turn a nod of respect into a leverage opportunity for money - the nature of the beast. These people can be deceptive and betray the ethos of Internet Freedom and should be banned from the Internet. You heard it here loud and clear, time to create a two-tiered Internet, one for commerce, government snoopers, devious lawyers etc ….. and the other for old school Internet freedom fighters and knowledge ….. switch on your computer, log into which Internet you want to dive into, but KEEP THEM SEPERATE and give Users bandwidth filter control to their servers - to stop commerce hogging it all.

Just to clarify, I don't blindly defend anyone, barely know MrM and only know a small fraction of his content ….. my comments are on the content of the video …. my viewpoint is admittedly limited on the legal, that seems to be your strength, but the wider picture needs stating(as above).

With regards - "if shadow government wack in the first Copyright Strike offence, followed by two more a day or so later from different sites to cloud the source ….. Bingo! Channel shut down." - I don't really care about cute little made-up theories you've convinced yourself are real... I'd rather talk about facts and things based on evidence."

When several Copyright claims suddenly pop out of nowhere all of a sudden, leave a smell, close a Channel …. it's not a 'cute theory' it's a clear logical possibility. If someone of my limitations(as you've highlighted) can think of it …. it's a dead cert shadow gov have …. their lawyer(s!) toothcomb T+C for loopholes to get what they want - site closure.

With regards your hint Youtube won't be reading people's concerns over this censorship …. to be honest, from the way you were defending Youtube and your knowledge of it's appeal process and legal stance, I thought you maybe worked for them and could pass this view point on? …. probably wrong on this but do believe that if you drop a pebble in a still lake and ripples spread …. who knows what happens. This debate is already a thread on MacRumours Forum 'Current Events' which reaches a wide Apple audience …. and which people use Apple? …. believe me, I think someone in Youtube will notice!

Even if it's only the cleaner, I'll be happy …. because one day he/she might just fail to unblock the executive toilet, and they'll get a real taste of the same smell we are getting as Users and Subscribers..


macrumors regular
Nov 26, 2010
Washington, DC
Can you explain a plausible theory for why YouTube would care about “censoring” conspiracy nuts like these people? They’re idiots, but without idiots posting nonsense, YouTube would lose half of its content.
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macrumors 68020
Mar 23, 2009
Youtube rests firmly on a three-legged stool of leaky faucets, those who can't be bothered to read a recipe and conspiracy theories... OK, let's stabilize the chair and add blowing up or otherwise destroying small objects. (I love Hydraulic Press Channel) They are not going to destroy one of their cash cows on purpose.

Keep in mind, there is no protection in the U.S. Constitution or law from a private enterprise limiting speech. The Constitution kicks in when the government passes a law regulating speech. That would be unconstitutional. Google can do what they wish.

Of course that's where the convenient "shadow government" argument comes in...

Yes, most of Google's technology comes from the Reptilians.

Linking to another site is not a copyright violation, and YouTube didn't state such. They complained about spamming. Separately, they acted on a third-party copyright takedown request. Show us the Google complaint where they have stated they are acting on a takedown request (or taking action on their own) for copyright violation by linkage.
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macrumors 65816
Sep 25, 2007
New England
how come they don't take down the CSPAN video's ? thats allot of conspiracy that our government is working for the people. how many aliens are in D.C. on work for our so called government?


Original poster
Jan 30, 2015
Can you explain a plausible theory for why YouTube would care about “censoring” conspiracy nuts like these people? They’re idiots, but without idiots posting nonsense, YouTube would lose half of its content.

Looking at your post history on here, it doesn't seem as though you have much interest in astronomy. Makes me wonder if you really know much about the content of these channels to make a statement like this against people who are just observing weird anomolies around our Solar System and on our planet and having debates as to what might be happening.

When astronomers don't want to publically discuss some of the more extreme ends of this weird spectrum because they might lose their precious grant funding, or because shadow government might regard it as a security issue, or because NASA proven to be blocking data makes it unwise to comment …… then it is good these sites are around with the 'balls' to tackle debate on reasonable questions we want answers to.

These Channels can't control 'religious nuts' posting stupid comments when they invite comment …. it's what religious nuts do when they see something that may undermine their belief system/economic model.

I'm not going to defend every video these two Channels have posted, just defend the content posted here, which shows video makers highlighting interesting observation for the fun and interest of thousands of Subscribers.

Sometimes this fun and interest leads to groundbreaking discoveries ….. opens up discussions and collaborations between amateur astronomers and scientists across the country who want to engage and post anonymously on such sites.

Sometimes these enthusiastic amateurs even lead astronomers and NASA to point their telescopes in new directions and announce new discoveries.

Youtube rests firmly on a three-legged stool of leaky faucets, those who can't be bothered to read a recipe and conspiracy theories... OK, let's stabilize the chair and add blowing up or otherwise destroying small objects. (I love Hydraulic Press Channel) They are not going to destroy one of their cash cows on purpose.

Keep in mind, there is no protection in the U.S. Constitution or law from a private enterprise limiting speech. The Constitution kicks in when the government passes a law regulating speech. That would be unconstitutional. Google can do what they wish.

Of course that's where the convenient "shadow government" argument comes in...

Yes, most of Google's technology comes from the Reptilians.

Linking to another site is not a copyright violation, and YouTube didn't state such. They complained about spamming. Separately, they acted on a third-party copyright takedown request. Show us the Google complaint where they have stated they are acting on a takedown request (or taking action on their own) for copyright violation by linkage.

Agree with many of your comments ….. but I think it is important people read up on the way shadow governments manipulate in so many ways, so this argument they might be involved isn't unreasonable.

Google/Reptilian comment. Surely everybody knows Google's technology isn't THAT advanced.:D

Interesting development in the Youtube 'defender' debate …… remember? Post 18

Looks like the conversation has been 'pulled' from Mr MBB333's site ….. Just after it was mentioned about 'ripples in a lake', it being discussed on MacRumours Forum, and suggestions the 'defender' might have links to Youtube!:cool:

Well, well, well ….. we have CT becoming CFact before your very eyes! :D

New CT ….. a)did Mr MBB333 delete conversation to avoid more hassle with Youtube and protect Channel, or from litigation threat from 'defender'?
b)did YT 'defender' delete conversation from within YT admin? ……. The plot thickens!

Just managed to copy/paste the last P.S. posted yesterday before dialogue was deleted ….. here it is …..

"P.S. Just to clarify a small point. When I wrote:

"so naive to this scam the guy manually processing this needs to go back to spy school for beginners!"

…… and you responded:

'lol, whoever is the shadow agent at YouTube.... they need to be fired immediately, they're doing a f*cking abysmal job of eliminating conspiracy channels"

I wasn't inferring there was a shadow government 'spy' within Youtube …. just maybe someone naive to spy networks trying to manipulate Youtube from the outside through this technique.

It looks less obvious from the 'outside'.

Seeing as the owners of Youtube and many other key Internet players have been coerced into cooperation with shadow government facilitating 'back doors' and 'spy' media initiatives into all their devices on the excuse they are 'hunting for terrorists' …… it looks like they don't need to put men on the inside at Youtube.

Knowing this is why we get suspicious when things disappear! … ..But to say they could pull these sites anytime they want, "if they are in the building" ….. isn't true ….. they have to give a good reason to pull these VERY POPULAR sites …. otherwise the YT owners would lose credibility.

CT traffic is a BIG money spinner for Youtube ….. much more than it is to the Channel programmers.

This last sentence reiterates first paragraph point Jtara made Post 20.
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macrumors regular
Nov 26, 2010
Washington, DC

Looking at your post history on here, it doesn't seem as though you have much interest in astronomy. Makes me wonder if you really know much about the content of these channels to make a statement like this against people who are just observing weird anomolies around our Solar System and on our planet and having debates as to what might be happening.

When astronomers don't want to publically discuss some of the more extreme ends of this weird spectrum because they might lose their precious grant funding, or because shadow government might regard it as a security issue, or because NASA proven to be blocking data makes it unwise to comment …… then it is good these sites are around with the 'balls' to tackle debate on reasonable questions we want answers to.

You have got to be kidding me. This guy thinks that the moon is a hologram! He’s not an “astronomer,” he’s a delusional idiot, as is anyone who thinks he may be right. We have decades of observable scientific data to disprove this nonsense.

You are correct that I know nothing of his channel other than the minute or two of the supposedly “censored” video at issue in your original post. That was all I needed to know. He’s a lunatic, akin to conspiracy nuts who thinks the Apollo landings were staged.

I also have to say that your comment that I must have no interest in astronomy because I’ve never posted about it before on an Apple Internet forum is similarly idiotic. I’d be happy to put my life-long interests and knowledge of astronomy up against these conspiracy idiots any time. It’s an insult to the science of astronomy that you are even equating this nonsense with science.
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