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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Oct 17, 2016
Asking here incase anyone else has come across this, just updated to PB2 and my News feed is now displaying "News isn't supported in your current region".

I use a VPN, no problems before, still no problems accessing Google/YouTube so it's not the VPN. Have tried HK/US/CAN and still no joy, and have tried disabling any location settings on the News app, and restarts. Just don't know why everything else is working and this isn't.

Anyone else have this issue or any thoughts? Does News have some extra location setting I'm unaware of?


macrumors P6
May 16, 2015
News app has extra check from carrier. As long as you are using Chinese local carrier, news app will be disabled.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Oct 17, 2016
News app has extra check from carrier. As long as you are using Chinese local carrier, news app will be disabled.

Thanks for the reply, I hadn't realised it was doing a carrier check. The thing is it was working fine before with a CN carrier, it's only after the update that things have gone awry.

It gave me some things to check though, so I put in my UK SIM and it still wouldn't work, resets again. The only thing that seems to make it work now is Airplane mode + WiFi. No idea why it was working before and now isn't, maybe just a temporary bug. Either way I was able to catch the news and see the UK is still fubar'd, so I can continue with my day now.



macrumors P6
May 16, 2015
I think Apple does not check SIM carrier but check the actual carrier you are connected. I have AUS SIM but still cannot use News app in China, starting from half a year ago. Maybe Apple wants to do something to protect him.

And, no worries.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Oct 17, 2016
I think Apple does not check SIM carrier but check the actual carrier you are connected. I have AUS SIM but still cannot use News app in China, starting from half a year ago. Maybe Apple wants to do something to protect him.

And, no worries.

Hmm I'm thinking there must/could be some kind of check on update then. It was all fine before the update, doesn't work with UK SIM at all, even with no SIM installed. So must check 'last connected carrier' or something and store that somewhere during update. Kind of makes sense, PITA however but not the end of the world.
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