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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 22, 2020

after updating my iPhone through my Mac to iOS 13.6, upon the phone restarting the finder was asking me if I wanted to enable encrypted backups even though I’ve always had the feature enabled, tried entering a new password a couple of times and confirming the passcode on my iPhone only to get the message “backup password can’t be set” clicking cancel my backup then proceeded with encryption switched on?

is this something to do with the new car key api in 13.6 or just a glitch in which not to worry about, only I would hate to loose my data due to a corrupted back up


Jun 30, 2007
If you reboot your Mac, go into iTunes and select the device - is "Encrypt local backup" checked?

I would hate to loose my data due to a corrupted back up

Be sure to have multiple backups, ideally both to iCloud and to your Mac.
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