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macrumors 601
Original poster
Nov 16, 2010
Aren't there any developers out there worried their devices are about to be rendered useless in the coming hours? I know you can downgrade but that seems a little counter-productive since devs should be testing on the latest software.

I personally dont have a dev account but just curious thats all. Wondering whats making Apple run up to the last possible second for this release.


macrumors 65816
Jan 27, 2012
Aren't there any developers out there worried their devices are about to be rendered useless in the coming hours? I know you can downgrade but that seems a little counter-productive since devs should be testing on the latest software.

I personally dont have a dev account but just curious thats all. Wondering whats making Apple run up to the last possible second for this release.

Probably new leadership. Apple has undergone radical changes over the past year. I'd wait until they actually allow the beta to expire on the devs before assuming the worst. I highly doubt apple would do this as it would make them look unprepared.


macrumors 601
Original poster
Nov 16, 2010
Probably new leadership. Apple has undergone radical changes over the past year. I'd wait until they actually allow the beta to expire on the devs before assuming the worst. I highly doubt apple would do this as it would make them look unprepared.

I agree, so that leads us to believe that the GM or new beta will be released this weekend or early Monday (odd). Cutting it very very close.


Will be a release on Monday. If not just downgrade to last full release.

Not really anything to worry about.

I know its possible to downgrade. Just trying to make the point that there are plenty of large developers that will no doubt be forced to downgrade dozens of devices if Apple misses their deadline. Kind of a big deal for large developers.


macrumors 65816
Jan 27, 2012
Also keep in mind that unless apple signed a contract with the European lte markets as to when they would have a working update, apple could always just be late in releasing...Its not unheard of to be late...


macrumors 68000
Jun 10, 2009
Manchester, UK
I agree, so that leads us to believe that the GM or new beta will be released this weekend or early Monday (odd). Cutting it very very close.


I know its possible to downgrade. Just trying to make the point that there are plenty of large developers that will no doubt be forced to downgrade dozens of devices if Apple misses their deadline. Kind of a big deal for large developers.

Or just wait till the next beta or GM that will be out before they expire.

No reason to worry or panic yet.


macrumors regular
Jan 26, 2013
Any news from developers on this forum about a beta or anything ? i mean their devices will become unusable until another beta is released or a GM.


macrumors 68040
Nov 9, 2004
Salt Lake City, UT
If the beta did expire, it wouldn't be the first time. At some point in the past (possibly during the iOS 2 betas?) the beta expired and Apple didn't release a new one for a day or two. Of course a bunch of people complained that Apple had left them without a usable device, but there's a reason Apple has always been very clear that beta OS version should only be used on devices dedicated to development and testing.


macrumors 65816
Jan 27, 2012
Seeing as they are supposed to be building lte support for European markets, they may have run into a snag that they need to fix first.


macrumors 6502
Jan 7, 2013
Algonquin, IL U.S.A.
Aren't there any developers out there worried their devices are about to be rendered useless in the coming hours? I know you can downgrade but that seems a little counter-productive since devs should be testing on the latest software.

I personally dont have a dev account but just curious thats all. Wondering whats making Apple run up to the last possible second for this release.

I called Apple Developer Support Yesterday and they actually told me to Down Grade my IOS Devices A.S.A.P. as they said we (ADC Members) may NOT be getting another Beta/GM Seed before Apple IOS 6.1 Beta 4 Expires on Monday!


Think it is as soon as it ticks over to Tuesday so you will get all day Monday.

NOT TRUE, It expires @ 0:00 GMT Monday, which is Sunday 16:00 Cupertino Time Zone!
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macrumors 6502a
Jul 17, 2008
Seattle, WA
I called Apple Developer Support Yesterday and they actually told me to Down Grade my IOS Devices A.S.A.P. as they said we (ADC Members) may NOT be getting another Beta/GM Seed before Apple IOS 6.1 Beta 4 Expires on Monday!

Sounds like they have a bunch of morons running the dev department. This is going to affect ten of thousands of people in a very bad way.... the people Apple should care about the most.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 16, 2008
I don't get what the commotion is all about. If you're "smart" enough to install the 4th beta, you're smart enough to downgrade before it expires.


macrumors 65816
Jan 27, 2012
Ouch, they told you to downgrade because they are going to let the beta expire? They must be planning to just release the public version then with no GM in between. There are probably bugs related to LTE that they dont need us for...Or maybe they found some exploit that isnt a simple fix?

This is getting interesting!:cool:


macrumors 68000
Apr 3, 2010
The easiest way to downgrade, download iOS 6.02 ipsw (or iOS 6.0.1 for devices other than iPhone 5 or iPad Mini) and save it in your hard drive. Open iTunes and connect your device.

Once connected, select shift and upgrade, and select iOS 6.02 ipsw you downloaded. Since 6.1 is a newer version I didn't think it would let me "upgrade" to an older version, but to my surprise it did. It finished and kept all my info.

So no need to restore, DFU, or anything. I just did a "reset all settings" after it finished to eliminate any conflict that mights have created by downgrading from the beta, this way I get to keep all my info and app setting but the OS resets itself.

This process took around 10 minutes on my iPhone 5!
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macrumors newbie
Jul 9, 2008
The easiest way to downgrade, download iOS 6.02 ipsw and save it in your hard drive. Open iTunes and connect your device.

Once connected, select shift and upgrade, and select iOS 6.02 ipsw you downloaded. I didn't think that would work as 6.1 is a new version and it wouldn't "upgrade" to a newer version, but to my surprise it did. It finished and kept all my info.

So no need to restore, DFU, or anything. I just did a reset all settings after it finish to eliminate any conflict that mights have created by downgrading from the beta, this way I get to keep all my info and app setting but the OS resets itself.

This process took around 10 minutes on my iPhone 5!

It's right, same process for me on my 4S going back to 6.0.1


macrumors 6502
Jan 7, 2013
Algonquin, IL U.S.A.
The easiest way to downgrade, download iOS 6.02 ipsw and save it in your hard drive. Open iTunes and connect your device.

Once connected, select shift and upgrade, and select iOS 6.02 ipsw you downloaded. I didn't think that would work as 6.1 is a new version and it wouldn't "upgrade" to a newer version, but to my surprise it did. It finished and kept all my info.

So no need to restore, DFU, or anything. I just did a reset all settings after it finish to eliminate any conflict that mights have created by downgrading from the beta, this way I get to keep all my info and app setting but the OS resets itself.

This process took around 10 minutes on my iPhone 5!

Keep in mind however that IOS 6.0.2 is for the IPhone 5 and IPad Mini Only! Everything else (like my 2 4th Generation IPod Touches) are still Apple IOS 6.0.1, Just FYI


macrumors 68000
Apr 3, 2010
Keep in mind however that IOS 6.0.2 is for the IPhone 5 and IPad Mini Only! Everything else (like my 2 4th Generation IPod Touches) are still Apple IOS 6.0.1, Just FYI

Well that should work with 6.0.1 too! Only have iPhone 5 to test at the moment, forgot the other devices didn't get this update.


macrumors regular
Sep 6, 2012
Sounds like they have a bunch of morons running the dev department. This is going to affect ten of thousands of people in a very bad way.... the people Apple should care about the most.

You chose to play with a BETA that is in no means permanent, nor is an upgrade obliged. You are expected to know how to downgrade through the iOS dev center. If not, you shouldn't be tinkering with betas.
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