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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 26, 2013
Thanks to the Apple software developer team working really hard on iOS 7.0.
Apple just released iOS 7.0 beta 2 to overcome some issues but still people are getting problems in regards to third party Applications.

Following are some issues Apple team should aware of :
Applications like Ebay, Skype crashes down.
Interface is not smooth. Going from one app to another takes time.
Music app is not working properly.
While scrolling, it stuck in the middle and takes time.
Safari needs to be improved.

Things that has been improved in beta 2

Notification bar and notifications sound has been fixed.
Control center working fine.
Messages has been improved.
Camera photos and Albums working smooth.
Music Album thumbnail has been improved and fixed.

These are some issues people looking forward.
Hopefully Apple will come up soon with beta 3 version.

At last but not least, Apple did a great job introducing iOS7.0 first ever with great features :)

Apple User
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