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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 10, 2015
Today I found a really interesting and useful (!) Apple Music glitch on the latest iOS 9.3 beta 3 firmware! (I don't know if it's beta 3 only.)

My Apple Music membership, including the access to all of the songs I stored from Apple Music, has ended a couple of days ago. Or has it? :eek:
Because even though my membership has clearly expired, I still have full access to all of the songs I downloaded from Apple Music to the "My Music" Section (even the ones it cached). Not including "For You", "New" , or the Radio Stations (except Beats 1, which should be that way nonetheless)
I tried everything to reset the app. I closed the app, rebooted the device, logged out of the account and back in, and still: I have full access to all Apple Music songs stored in "My Music" on my iPhone 6. I don't have access to these songs on iTunes on OSX on the other hand, so it seems like this is iOS only.

Normally after an expired membership, if you try to play a song you have got from AM, you can't. A pop up window comes up and reminds you to reactivate it.

Seems like I paid 9,99€ for more than 50 albums. If only I knew that on the last active day of the membership...:D

Thanks :apple: !
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