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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 11, 2009
Last Thanksgiving, I bought an iPad Mini. At the Apple Store, I had requested a Verizon model (our company has a Verizon shared dataplan for all of our other tablets). Unfortunately, the store gave me an AT&T model.

I didn't catch this until several months later when I tried to activate the data plan, so I never bothered to contacted Apple (I probably should have).

Can I put a Verizon SIM in an AT&T iPad Mini? I've seen lots of discussion about going the other way (AT&T SIM in a Verizon iPad), but none this way. Thanks!


rui no onna

Oct 25, 2013
Won't work. The AT&T model doesn't support Verizon's LTE bands nor does it have hardware for CDMA.


macrumors 6502
Oct 15, 2012
You'll only be able to do it in the next generation mini that will be released later in the month. Although in my experience if you are in a city, verizon lte is useless. I'm in NYC and switched to AT&T because of these ongoing issues. Couldn't be happier since May
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