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macrumors G3
Jul 2, 2007
Sunny Florida
Because it's HIS money, not ours. Only HE knows his wants, desires, financial situation, ect ect. Of course he comes here most will say get the iPM. Goes to a kndle site they will say get the Kindle most likely. PLUS an adult should be able to make several hundred dollar decisions on their own. What weight does my imput cary with OP? What weight does any of our opinions help. OP can find out any and all info any one gives him related to the two products by simply doing a search on google or going to the specific product pages.

PLUS he/she requested responses to his/her thread by the simple fact of posting it in a public forum. I gave my input even if it wasn't what he/she wished to read.

I just don't understand why you care? It's his money. So what? He wants opinions! He wants validation! He wants to listen to other people's reasoning before he makes his own decision. Good for him! :rolleyes:


macrumors 68000
Dec 9, 2011
Because it's HIS money, not ours. Only HE knows his wants, desires, financial situation, ect ect. Of course he comes here most will say get the iPM. Goes to a kndle site they will say get the Kindle most likely. PLUS an adult should be able to make several hundred dollar decisions on their own. What weight does my imput cary with OP? What weight does any of our opinions help. OP can find out any and all info any one gives him related to the two products by simply doing a search on google or going to the specific product pages.

Very few people make big purchasing decisions on their own. They consult with family, friends, colleagues, experts, look up relevant information on the internet or in magazines, and so on. In a large number of cases, that will lead to improved decision making, because you are very likely to get exposed to information and perspectives that didn't previously exist in your own head. When you're considering buying an Apple product, it's very natural to seek out some different points of views on an online forum for Apple products. Getting user perspectives and informal input to a specific question relevant to the OP is very different from reading a general review. Further, a lot of the information that you will find when you google is available exactly because people use forums like this to exchange information and experiences.

At the end of the day, no one here will decide for the OP. S/he will just consider the input, and then make up his or her mind.

I really don't understand why several posters are telling the OP that s/he shouldn't ask these questions. If we were to delete all purchasing questions from this forum, its content would probably be cut in half. If you don't like these kind of threads, just stay out of them.


Jun 29, 2012
Colorado Springs USA for now
I just don't understand why you care? It's his money. So what? He wants opinions! He wants validation! He wants to listen to other people's reasoning before he makes his own decision. Good for him! :rolleyes:

Don't care, OP can ask any one anything for any reason. Just get tired of the flood of "what should I do" threads. I guess I was taught to be self-reliant and to think on my own and make decisions that affect ME on my own. Now if it affects others I seek their input. Guess not all people's parents taught them the ability to criticaly think. If a situation happens like in the tv show where all the power on earth goes out, how will OP be able to decide anything if he/she can't come and ask MR?

Very few people make big purchasing decisions on their own. They consult with family, friends, colleagues, experts, look up relevant information on the internet or in magazines, and so on. In a large number of cases, that will lead to improved decision making, because you are very likely to get exposed to information and perspectives that didn't previously exist in your own head. When you're considering buying an Apple product, it's very natural to seek out some different points of views on an online forum for Apple products. Getting user perspectives and informal input to a specific question relevant to the OP is very different from reading a general review. Further, a lot of the information that you will find when you google is available exactly because people use forums like this to exchange information and experiences.

At the end of the day, no one here will decide for the OP. S/he will just consider the input, and then make up his or her mind.

I really don't understand why several posters are telling the OP that s/he shouldn't ask these questions. If we were to delete all purchasing questions from this forum, its content would probably be cut in half. If you don't like these kind of threads, just stay out of them.

Not saying they shouldn't ask questions, simply pointing out adults make decisions on their own. My point is made, I'm out.


macrumors 6502
Aug 31, 2010
Very few people make big purchasing decisions on their own. They consult with family, friends, colleagues, experts, look up relevant information on the internet or in magazines, and so on. In a large number of cases, that will lead to improved decision making, because you are very likely to get exposed to information and perspectives that didn't previously exist in your own head. When you're considering buying an Apple product, it's very natural to seek out some different points of views on an online forum for Apple products. Getting user perspectives and informal input to a specific question relevant to the OP is very different from reading a general review. Further, a lot of the information that you will find when you google is available exactly because people use forums like this to exchange information and experiences.

At the end of the day, no one here will decide for the OP. S/he will just consider the input, and then make up his or her mind.

I really don't understand why several posters are telling the OP that s/he shouldn't ask these questions. If we were to delete all purchasing questions from this forum, its content would probably be cut in half. If you don't like these kind of threads, just stay out of them.

Well said.


macrumors 68000
Dec 9, 2011
Not saying they shouldn't ask questions, simply pointing out adults make decisions on their own. My point is made, I'm out.

The OP is making his/her own decision, and is getting other people's view points in the process.


macrumors 6502
Apr 17, 2008
... Just get tired of the flood of "what should I do" threads. ...

Why don't people skip threads that offend them?

BTW I have a Kindle Fire that is a year old. I was all set to buy a maxed out Mini, until it was introduced. My Fire has never looked so good as it does today.

From this thread I've gotten some good thoughts. For one it is true that when I'm reading I do get side tracked (ADD?). But on the Fire I find it much easier to stick to my book. I also have an rMBA and can't read more than articles and forum posts on it.


macrumors 68000
Apr 29, 2005
Seems like no brainer to get the mini. Perfect use case.

I don't like that they dropped the speaker in the new kindle. I like the clarity of my kindle touch but not how dark it is. The iPad 3 display is crystal clear. iPhone 5 seems even better to me. The size of the iPad mini sounds awesome, I hope the display will be good enough.


macrumors 68020
Apr 27, 2005
Don't care, OP can ask any one anything for any reason. Just get tired of the flood of "what should I do" threads. I guess I was taught to be self-reliant and to think on my own and make decisions that affect ME on my own. Now if it affects others I seek their input. Guess not all people's parents taught them the ability to criticaly think.

This has nothing to do with critical thinking ability (otherwise you wouldn't post something like that if your self-proclaimed critical thinking skills are so hot. :rolleyes:). It's an internet forum. We're interested in what (most of) the other people on here have to say, otherwise we wouldn't be here. OP's question is very valid - the Paperwhite and iPad mini are competing for the exact same use case. Why NOT ask a forum of likeminded enthusiasts?

How's this for some critical thinking: if you don't like a thread, just don't participate in it. ;)

I digress...

The Paperwhite, for all its flaws (and there are several), is a fantastic reading device. Another poster above mentioned something to the effect that light is light and it shouldn't matter if it's emanating from a backlit or frontlit display. In principle, I agree. But in reality, there is a noticeable difference. Maybe it's because at low light settings, the Paperwhite still gets pretty good contrast and maybe it's because the Paperwhite can get even dimmer than the iPad (that I have). Whatever the case, I enjoy reading on the Paperwhite's screen more than the iPad's. And this is coming from someone who was a staunch "oh give me a break, e-ink screens aren't better" guy. Try one and you'll know what I'm talking about.

Only advantage the Mini has is PDFs. If you read a lot of PDFs, the Paperwhite is not a contender. I wish there were some way for Amazon to address this.


macrumors 68040
May 3, 2011
Don't care, OP can ask any one anything for any reason. Just get tired of the flood of "what should I do" threads. I guess I was taught to be self-reliant and to think on my own and make decisions that affect ME on my own.

Two heads are better than one. Soliciting opinions seems like a good idea to me, and in the end, the OP has to decide, so the only difference between the OP's approach and yours is that the OP is better-informed.

I don't have a Kindle Paperwhite. I have been a Kindle owner for a few years, though, starting with the monstrous (but wonderful) DX and ending with the last generation Kindle Touch. If you are reading ebooks, the Kindle reader is the way to go, because it is a real pleasure to read, you get to borrow books (lots of new titles) for free, it has an amazing battery life, and you don't have to suffer distractions. I am still on the fence about the Paperwhite because I like my current Kindle well-enough, but I'll probably order one eventually.

The iPad Mini, in my opinion, is overpriced and under-spec'd. More importantly, though, it is a very different reading experience on the iPad, and frankly, not as nice. If you are reading PDFs, though, the iPad (I'd go with the iPad 4 myself) is the way to go. The Kindle CAN read PDFs, but I don't think it wants to, LOL. It is so very painful...


macrumors member
Jun 7, 2011
I have been asking myself the same question, iPad mini or Kindle Paperwhite. I sold my iPad 2 and never bought another one, it just got to the point where it was collecting dust. Now that the mini has been announced, I began wondering if it would get used more than my iPad 2 did. Here is my stand the moment lol :p. I don't do allot of web browsing, and if I want to look something up I instinctually go for my iPhone. Any apps I would want to use on an iPad, my iPhone 5 can handle it. I am not big into iOS games or watching movies on a mobile device, so the iPad mini would eventually (if not immediately) turn into a dedicated reader for me. Since I recently purchased a 32GB iPhone 5, I am going to hold off on the mini and grab a Kindle. I love the idea of an iPad, but I personally cannot find a practical use for one at this point. A backlit reader would serve my needs much better for the time being, plus the $120 is easier to swallow :D.


macrumors 68020
Nov 10, 2006
Kindle Paperwhite. I love mine and the battery lasts forever. Best purchase I have ever made!


macrumors 6502a
Jul 17, 2011
An iPad (or Kindle Fire, Nook HD, Nexus etc) is not a replacement for a Kindle e-reader. Ignore anyone that tells you're they're somehow equivalent when it comes to reading books. They're not. If you can swing owning both, do it. If you cant and your main goal is reading, get the Kindle.


macrumors member
Jun 7, 2011
An iPad (or Kindle Fire, Nook HD, Nexus etc) is not a replacement for a Kindle e-reader. Ignore anyone that tells you're they're somehow equivalent when it comes to reading books. They're not. If you can swing owning both, do it. If you cant and your main goal is reading, get the Kindle.

Exactly, no lcd tablet is a replacement for a dedicated e-ink reader. I personally can afford both, but then it comes down to being honest with myself about how much the iPad would be used. Just because I can afford and want both (I usually feel the must have feeling whenever Apple releases a new gadget), doesn't mean I should buy both. IMO my iPhone does everything I would personally use an iPad for, I never read on my iPhone so the logical choice would be a Kindle.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 12, 2012
Seattle, WA
I have last year's kindle, and I couldn't live without it. The absolute comfort of reading on it can't be matched by any tablet. It's really small, the size is perfect for ebooks. It's also the lightest (170g, or 213g for the paperwhite), which is really important for its use. It fits in any jean's pocket and any purse. And I suppose it's more resistant than glass displays. No fingerprints, no glare, too :) Oh, and it probably gets less attention, which can be important when you use it in the bus or subway !

One has to actually read a book on that thing to fully understand.

Now, the ipad mini is different. you can do much more, browse, read emails, read PDFs, play games, watch movies, listen to music, use productivity apps, whatever. You can also read ebooks with it, but with probably much much less comfort. It's also bigger, and heavier.

They're two different devices, for two different uses. The price difference is also important.

If you only want to read books, and read them wherever you are, including in the bus, you'd better buy a kindle (maybe not even the paperwhite).

If you want to do more than that, get the ipad. I will personally keep both. Even with an ipad mini, i will never ever stop using my kindle.

If you want both but can't afford them right now, buy one, save for the other.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 5, 2009
Both. The Paperwhite absolutely eclipses any tablet for linear ebook reading. Got mine this morning (UK), it is sweeeet!

Totally agree!

I have had my Paperwhite for about a week and I LOVE it! Personally, I need a separate device for reading. I just don't like my iPad 3 for that purpose.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 26, 2007
Here, there and everywhere
I'd like to try the Paperwhite but its not available here (Germany) now till the 31st of December (17th in the UK) which is crazy far off.

As my wife is starting to read more on our old iPad 2 (she doesn't see the difference between the 3 & the 2), I was thinking of getting her a Kindle Paperwhite or iPad Mini for Xmas. As she doesn't like the ipad of giving late presents that effectively kills the Kindle dead till her birthday (July) at which point better to wait for the Paperwhite 2.


macrumors regular
Mar 27, 2008
OP, I'm pretty much in the same boat as you: got iPad3 and iPhone5. Planning to do a lot more reading, and was trying to decide between iPad mini and Paperwhite. I ended up with ordering Paperwhite and pass on iPad mini because I don't like the non-retina display and slower processor on iPad mini. I do plan to get iPad mini once the screen and processor is improved, however, since I also have comics and pdf files to read. But for the time being, I think Paperwhite will meet my reading needs.

In the future, will I sell Paperwhite when I get iPad mini? Not sure yet - Paperwhite is my first e-ink reader, so if my eyes like e-ink then I will probably keep both. If my eyes don't feel the difference then I can always sell my Paperwhite to fund my future iPad mini.

Hope it helps you OP. Cheers!


macrumors newbie
Oct 30, 2012

I have a kindle and an ioad 3. The ipad 3 tires out my eyes during late night reading sessions, but only when im wearing contacts. The kindle, on the other hand, has a e ink which seems to read a lot easier and yeah that's nice. My dilemma is that I'm also an avid reader of, u guessed it, comic books! comic book reading on a kindle?
Kindle keyboard? No help there?
Kindle fire? Terrible.
Kindle fire hd? Gargantuan bezel. Kind of a wallflower at the dance if u excuse the expression.
Nexus 7? Heard its decent, but apps are poopy.
Nook tablet, nook hd? Not with my money.
iPad mini? Yeah but do I really want to pay $330 + tax just to read comics everywhere i go?

That's my dilemma! Any advice? Doesn't the kindle paper white do comics? Is it any good?


macrumors 604
Oct 23, 2010
I started reading more after I bought my first iPad. I am afraid to not take it with me because it can do more than just read on it. So instead of grabbing a kindle I just grab my iPad and go.


macrumors regular
Jun 30, 2012
Paperwhite is very nice but for games, movies, and reading I would look into the Kindle HD.

Jessica Lares

macrumors G3
Oct 31, 2009
Near Dallas, Texas, USA
Think about this...

The lifespan of a Kindle isn't very long. It pretty much STAYS on 24/7 from the time you buy it, until the time it dies. That's unless you actually turn it off. After one year, Amazon will not do anything for you (they'll offer a refurbished at half price or a just discontinued model at a discount), nor can you get the warranty extended, unless you go through third parties. Even then, they might not cover much either.

If you drop it, it's broken. Period. I did that in the first three days of owning one, and had to get a replacement within that time. My second unit, just recently (after owning it just over a year), had a bead explode inside the display. Now there's a pretty small, but really noticeable splotch of e-ink that makes reading on it distracting.

A lot of us on the various Kindle forums love our devices, but I can tell you that MOST exchange them at the most, three times a year because a button stops working, half of the screen stops working, among other things. They aren't durable, and they're priced and made in a way that make you accept that it's okay to buy the newest model every year.

And considering you've become stuck in that Amazon ecosystem at that point, there is no excuse for you NOT to buy another Kindle when the one you have breaks/stops working. That's how Amazon gets you, especially with the Whispersync and other goodies you get.

The iPad Mini might be more less convenient, but it's going to last longer, have even brightness, and the text will look great. You might have to hold it farther from your face and make the text a little bigger, but that is pretty much better for your eyes anyway. The Kindle Fire was great to read on, so I can't imagine Apple using a lesser quality display.
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