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iPad touch screen failing? Hypersensitive to any static buildup? Or is this normal?

Whenever my iPad is in a case of any kind {{I've tried five different cases}} after a few minutes to a few hours, the touch screen goes completely berserk. Clicks and drags are not registered properly. For example, the slide to unlock feature won't even work. It will begin to slide under the control of my finger, and then it freezes completely. I release my finger. Screen goes back to normal view. Wait a few seconds. Try again. Same thing occurs. CANNOT UNLOCK.

If I pop the iPad out of the case, everything goes back to normal immediately. Then, as soon as I pop the iPad back into a case, this condition will repeat within a few minutes or a few hours. It's usually seen most frequently with the iPad plugged in and charging.

My own theory: iPad Touchscreen Static Buildup? ITSB!

. . .

For the past few months it's been gradually getting worse and worse. Today it became unbearable. My favorite iPad cover/case would not work at all. Most of the cases have a poly carbonate tray where you snap in the iPad to protect the back and the edges and corners.

The first time it happened was right after installation of iOS 9 .2, done in November. That was when APPLE added the sketching feature to THE Notes app. There may have been a firmware update to support that, I learned from an Apple employee.

. . .

I haven't yet updated to ios 9.3.

iPad air. {{ iOS 9.2.1 on iPad Air 128GB Wi-Fi + Cellular, Verizon. }}

Is my iPad failing? Does anyone else see this condition?
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