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macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 25, 2007
Both AT&T and Apple website no longer show $30 unlimited data plan for the iPad.

Glad I got my order in yesterday:D.


macrumors 68030
May 21, 2010
Both AT&T and Apple website no longer show $30 unlimited data plan for the iPad.

Glad I got my order in yesterday:D.

Be careful not to tap "cancel" on the update plan screen, you may never get the unlimited option again. Some people are saying they see the old and new pricing available on their account. I assume they have not activated 3G unlimited yet.


macrumors regular
Jul 17, 2002
With the iPhone 4 using micro-SIM, is it the case that if I keep my iPad unlimited plan, I can trade out the iPhone SIM and use the unlimited plan on the iPhone? I know that calls wouldn't work, at least not with my usual mobile number. I'm just asking about the data.


macrumors 68020
Mar 23, 2009
Just increased the FUD level, while rendering toothless most of the potential class-action claims.

I suspect they saw how clearly in the wrong they were.

Jobs had to have been PISSED when he found out. Makes it quite personal - makes him out to be a liar, plain and simple, otherwise. They seem to have done a good job, so far, of covering-up whatever squabbling went on over this, and I'll bet it was considerable.

Would love to get the back-story. This happened suddenly and without much planning.

What we don't know yet:

1. How long this is for - for a few months at least, (enough to satisfy people that Job's claim was true) or just to accommodate un-shipped iPads 3Gs? (Or until production catches up.)

2. Will you be able to stop/start, and if you do, will there be sufficient notice to start and "grandfather" when they finally do eliminate "unlimited".

It's ironic that now both sites aren't showing unlimited, but it IS available! They just can't get the customer-communication right. At this point, it's a heads-you-win, tails-you-lose situation. For both customers and ATT.


macrumors 6502a
May 10, 2008
I subscribed a few weeks ago and plan to maintain the plan, but this is annoying b/c it reduces the flexibility of downgrading or suspending service if you want (for example, during a long trip outside the U.S.). If the $30/unlimited plan wasn't available, I might not have bought the iPad, and I would hesitate now to recommend it to others. Of course, if you use a myfi type setup, this doesn't matter for you.


macrumors 68030
Mar 24, 2010
Both AT&T and Apple website no longer show $30 unlimited data plan for the iPad.

Glad I got my order in yesterday:D.

Are you sure about that?


On top of that, I've never opted for the unlimited plan but when I checked today I still have that option.


macrumors 601
May 2, 2010
Both AT&T and Apple website no longer show $30 unlimited data plan for the iPad.

Glad I got my order in yesterday.

"I am the champion,
my friend.
And I'll keep on fighting,
till the end.
I am the champion,
I am the champion,
No time for losers,
Cause I am the champion."


Posted from my iPad 3G/64GB/$829/UDP/$365


macrumors member
Apr 23, 2010
Be careful not to tap "cancel" on the update plan screen, you may never get the unlimited option again. Some people are saying they see the old and new pricing available on their account. I assume they have not activated 3G unlimited yet.

I have all options available and have already been using the 250MB service, go figure?

mac jones

macrumors 68040
Apr 6, 2006
I have all options available and have already been using the 250MB service, go figure?

That makes sense as you purchased the iPad before today (obviously), so the option is still available, like ATT and now stated it will be.


macrumors 68000
Feb 26, 2008
Born NYC Living in CT
Seems that the unlimited is indeednstill available and clearly advertised as such on AT&T web site. It is as mentioned above for a limited time available with now time parameters indicated. So I'm not sued why this thread was even started.


macrumors member
May 3, 2010
I have a 3g that has not been activated. Mine still shows 3 options..

250mb for $14.99
2gb for $25.00
unlimited for $29.99
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