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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 23, 2018
I am learning to design websites.
I plan to learn basic code (html etc.) and possibly some programming.
However I will also make use of design platforms already available in order to draw or create websites.

I am getting a new computer with this in mind. My main uses will be video chatting and the website design.

I would like to get an iPad Pro. My other option would be a MacBook Pro.

How good is an iPad Pro for website design?


Moderator emeritus
Mar 10, 2004
Bergen, Norway
Adobe XD and Adobe Comp CC are both available for iOS, and Adobe has plans to release a full version of Photoshop for iOS, so the design part of webdesign should be doable on the iPad (pro). You can also use Coda for iOS for (basic) text editing and website management.

That said: You would probably be better of with a computer (MacBook Air**), as coding (HTML/CSS/JavaScript) is easier on a Mac, and then you can use the developer tools in Chrome/Safari/Firefox to help you.

Also, if you get the Mac, you can avoid Adobe altogether (if you want to), by using Atom or SublimeText (text editor), Sketch for design/layout, and Pixelmator (pro) as a photo editor.

If money is no problem, get both an iPad pro and an Air**. ;-)

** Whatever new Air Apple are coming out with this fall. Web design and developing are pretty light weight and you don't really need the MacBook Pro.
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