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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 6, 2019
Hello, I have a question regarding the unusual behavior in my dad's iPhone 11 which I got for him a few days ago. I installed his SIM and we noticed that calls that are coming in would get added to the Blocked list, visible in the Phone section of Settings. It is unclear why the number would be blocked, as we tested it in different ways. I'd iMessage him and my text would not arrive, then I removed myself from the blocked list and my iMessage would arrive but would say I'm an unknown contact and offers to report me. I tried it from my mom's phone and all was well. I even got my wife to call his number from her work, which she never did before, and the call went through. Then the next day his colleague tells him they've been trying to reach him all weekend without success, and we find that number in the blocked list.

What could be causing this?

New phone, latest software, old SIM taken out of iPhone 6 and put into iPhone 11, contacts imported from SIM, numbers that are blocked are in his SIM contacts.

Just did all of the steps Apple recommends, like checking settings regarding DND, Blocked contacts etc., reset all settings, remove and reinstall SIM card... We will see if all of this helps, I just wanted to post here to see if anyone had a similar problem. Googled it but found a thread where the issue was unresolved.

Now we're waiting to see if the blocked list is populated in the next couple of days, but in the meantime I thought I'd post. Thanks for any input, cheers.


macrumors 68000
Apr 27, 2016
New Jersey
You mentioned doing the recommended steps, but have you contacted Apple directly? If not, that'd be my best advice.
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