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Tommaso Ammannati

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 10, 2020
Hi! I bought an iphone 12 two months ago and I’ve noticed on dark grey there is consistently a ‘glow’ around the edges of the phone screen. It’s a sort of green vignette.

Is this just what the iPhone 12 Pro looks like when producing these greys?

I’m considering replacement/repair I’m not sure if it is worth it if another model will just be the same/potentially worse in this area.

Do other people see the kind of glow like in the attached images? Is your phone more uniform?



photo for test:



macrumors 601
Nov 17, 2017
For those reading this thread, his test image is not black, but a very dark gray (hex code 040404).

No, I don't recall anything like you describe and picture when I owned a 12 Pro nor do I with my current 13 Pro Max. But is this something that you actually notice in normal usage (i.e. not simply looking at a blank dark gray screen)? If not, then I wouldn't stress about it.

And unfortunately it's going to be hard to judge the issue with processed grainy low-light photos like that. It's really something better evaluated in person.

now i see it

macrumors G4
Jan 2, 2002
iPhone 13 models do that too. Not all of them but there’s plenty of posts on this forum complaining about the same thing.


macrumors 65816
Jun 11, 2013
SF Bay Area, CA
This is not "normal" -- OLEDs vary in quality and they can be this bad, but not every OLED will be like this. Send these photos to Apple technical support via the Apple Support app chat, and they should send out a replacement. Alternatively, you could schedule a Genius Bar appointment, but they may not be able to see the same issue in their diagnostic environment.
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