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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 6, 2012
Rochester, NY
I currently own an iPhone 13 Pro Max and I am considering upgrading to the 15 Pro Max. I am trying to justify the upgrade. Honestly if I'm being real, the 13pm fully satisfies my needs. The problem is I'm very intrigued by the 15pm. The biggest factor though is that I am at the pinnacle of my trade-in value. My phone will pay almost half the price of 15pm.

2 things to consider. 1. Do I need this new phone? Probably not! 2. Do I need this phone? you tell me!

my use case is nothing pro, other than occasional photography for fun. Limited gaming. What do you think?


macrumors 68020
Dec 13, 2018
Are you planning on getting the Vision Pro? One of the cool things about the 15PM is the ability to take spatial photos and videos, which could be a consideration if you plan on buying the device. I’ll be trading in my 13PM for a 15PM, but will keep my 14PM as a backup/second camera.

Snot Rox

macrumors 6502
Sep 16, 2014
SF Bay Area, CA
I think only you can answer that question. It's just more like if you just want to. If you have the funds to do so and want to have fun with a new device, then by all means. At the end of the day, the 15 is going to do pretty much what you're doing with your 13PM as it is now, but with the new honeymoon stage because it's new.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 16, 2014
I currently own an iPhone 13 Pro Max and I am considering upgrading to the 15 Pro Max. I am trying to justify the upgrade. Honestly if I'm being real, the 13pm fully satisfies my needs. The problem is I'm very intrigued by the 15pm. The biggest factor though is that I am at the pinnacle of my trade-in value. My phone will pay almost half the price of 15pm.

2 things to consider. 1. Do I need this new phone? Probably not! 2. Do I need this phone? you tell me!

my use case is nothing pro, other than occasional photography for fun. Limited gaming. What do you think?
You deserve to get the IPP 15 PM


macrumors newbie
Sep 26, 2013
If you can hold out another year, it’s almost always the better thing to do.


macrumors regular
May 14, 2022
Rhode Island
While I’m a huge fan of René Ritchie’s “Always Advice (see attachment below),” here’s how it went for me this most recent time.

I was super happy with my 13PM with its silver trim and white glass loving everything about it, especially its battery life. While I found the 14PM’s AOD and 2K nits capability very alluring, those things alone weren’t enough to push me to upgrade to the 14PM at release.

Well into the cycle, I began to fixate on the micro scratches all over my 13PM’s display (from not having used a tempered glass screen protector). The scratches weren’t even noticeable with the display in use, but I simply started jonesing for clean and shiny and the AOD. Also, while my battery didn’t seem to be suffering insofar as getting through the day was concerned, battery health was down to 91%. o_O🤣

These were the factors that prompted me to pull the trigger and upgrade to my awesome 14PM in Space Black:

1. Always-On Display 🏆

2. Display and trim cosmetically perfect, shiny and new again. I wasn’t even going to put a screen protector on the 14PM, but I did. So far, so good. And while I’d rather not use a screen protector, I’m not entirely unhappy with it, considering that all it takes is one grain of sand to turn a display into what it was on my 13PM.

3. A brand new battery. Even though any potential, minor battery-power hit from the AOD was a non-issue as far as my decision to upgrade was concerned, I still wanted to go back to 100% battery health. There’s even the option to turn off the AOD, although I have no intention of doing that. I could really keep this phone until the 16 and even refresh it with a new battery installed for short money if I were to deem it necessary down the line.

Other small peculiar-to-me factors that played into my decision to upgrade this time around:

I’m no financial genius, and these phones aren’t something I sweat as far as resale value and all that goes. I don’t even pay for them outright. My carrier finances them interest-free in my bill. I payed off my 11 when I owed like $150 on it and gave it someone. With my 13PM, I was almost halfway done with paying for it, so I paid ~$150 to get me to that half-way point and traded it in for the 14PM…and the payments just continue. I don’t know what kind of financial sense that makes (if any at all), but I couldn’t care less.

My best advice: it sounds like you really want it. Just get what you want.

If I got the 15PM, I would definitely go caseless (as I did with my 13PM before and do now with my 14PM) to show off the titanium. I have AC+ these days for catastrophes, and again, have no idea or concern over the big-picture financial ramifications—I can’t be bothered to burden my brain about them when I don’t even feel them on something like this which is so useful to me and that I enjoy so much. In the grand scheme of things it’s such a small thing that’s not gonna solve (or increase) my everyday problems in any noticeable way.

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