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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 8, 2014
Hampshire, UK
I have my own iPhone 13 pro max on the 17.2 betas (I'm a software engineer, so always running betas, reporting bugs etc)

My wife's iPhone 15 Pro has just experienced the hard screen lockup. She's had problems with touchscreen sensitivity a few times, but yesterday updated to 17.1.1 and ended up in a state where the touchscreen would not work at all, even after a hard reset.

A DFU reset has got it going again (touchscreen works fine), and she had an up to date (today) iCloud backup -- but I'm wondering if it's likely to reoccur, and whether the 17.2 beta may help. For me on 13pm the beta has been fine. Obviously this then means restore is more painful (DFU, clean, update beta, restore from icloud). Additionally am setting up apple configurator & xcode as other routes to hopefully get things working.
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