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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 13, 2008
Has anyone had the inside of an Incase Slider scratch up the back of there iphone. I bought one last week from the apple store, and since i've had it in the slider, i have noticed multiple scratches on the back. The phone was completely flawless before using this case? i'm definitely returning the case , do you think they will do anything about the phone?


macrumors 6502
Apr 1, 2008
Has anyone had the inside of an Incase Slider scratch up the back of there iphone. I bought one last week from the apple store, and since i've had it in the slider, i have noticed multiple scratches on the back. The phone was completely flawless before using this case? i'm definitely returning the case , do you think they will do anything about the phone?

i dont if apple will do anything about it, i have the same case and i have 2 problems with it

scratching and peeling off (matte black)

im strongly considering buying a new case, but cases are so expensive for the iphone


macrumors member
Mar 14, 2009
somewhere in Indiana
Try the switcheasy rebel 3G.
I've had numerous cases.
By far my favorite.

I have one of the switcheasy rebel casess for my iPhone and my wife has one for her iPhone. They are both the arctic cases. I just bought the five pack of the rebel essentials acouple of days ago to have variety in it. I am very pleased with this case. I would recomend this case to anyone.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 25, 2009
I have one and it never scratched it. Do you have a body shield on it or something? Or do you keep taking it off? And does it really matter if it scratches it you cant see it with the case on.


macrumors 65816
Mar 20, 2008
Scratch free case

All these hard cases will eventually scratch up your iPhone. Just get the Neo. It will not scratch your iPhone. Even if you leave it on for a month or two with no cleaning.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 11, 2007
Michigan, USA
Bought a plastic case...forgot the name of the girlfriend bought me it without her knowing that I'm very picky about cases for my devices, so I used it for a few days trying to like it but I told her I couldn't use it anymore... so then I bought a Invisible Shield and liked it at first and since I have a white iPhone, all the dirt and stuff showed up a few weeks later around the edges of the thing and the clear plastic got discolored... so i took it off and went naked till i got it replaced for a rattle.

Then I bought a silicone berklin case that works really well when im at work, then I take it off when I get home. Though the edges of the thing is peeling away so instead of it being black, it's clear... oh well


macrumors 6502
May 16, 2007
Nashville, TN
I had the black Incase slider and it did in fact leave a few scratches on the back of my iPhone. I solved the problem by applying some clear tape to the inside of the case so that the tiny imperfections in the plastic wouldn't rub against the phone. It's unfortunate that the case does that, but I believe that nearly all cases will leave scratches on the back of an iPhone, either by trapping dust or by scratching with small imperfections in the surface of the plastic. However, I think that the Incase slider is probably the best iPhone case as far as its overall design. It has held up very well for several months and still looks brand new.
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