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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Mar 22, 2007
Hi guys,
I'm not a complete noob when it comes to iPhone hacking but I'm sure there are many of you with greater knowledge. I hope so as I need help resolving a problem with an iPhone 3GS 32GB. I'm getting the following during restore:

The iPhone "iPhone" could not be restored. An unknown error occurred (1).

This happens when the progress bar on the phone is around 75% of the way across but up until that time it all seems fine. I've searched for help on this but couldn't find anything that would help. After this error I just get the connect to iTunes picture and then iTunes says it is in restore mode. I've tried DFU mode by the way - same result.

The annoying thing is that I managed to get it working at one point although that was on my second restore attempt after an error 1645. I did the restore and got 1645 then did it again without resetting and it worked fine. It was working but after swapping SIM cards around I did a reboot and it wouldn't boot back up, going into a reboot loop around 30 seconds after trying activation each time. It would do this all day.

I've just finished stripping the phone down completely and have cleaned the PCB thoroughly with a little PCB brush and alcohol to get rid of anything which might be shorting something out. I also cleaned and reseated all the connectors.

The phone has never been jailbroken and has no signs of water damage. It has been dropped and has a crack in the rear cover near the docking connector. No signs of damage inside. Software is on iOS5.

So, what are my options? I've messed about with Tiny Umbrella, iRecovery and a few other tools trying to "kick start" it. I've pretty much run out of ideas now and would appreciate some suggestions. Could it be a hardware fault? Anything I can try?

Thanks for reading - appreciated.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Mar 22, 2007
Check if TU has modified your /etc/hosts file. I seem to recall that this was the issue I ran into.


Good suggestion as I did trip over that at one point during the first restore. However, it's definitely not redirecting now as the hash comment symbol is ahead of the line.

Thanks for such a prompt reply.


Jul 25, 2009
Had this error as well back when I sold my iPhone 4, but never found a solution. Ended up having to give up after three days of trying and just settled on shipping the phone with a custom ipsw of iOS5 w/ 04.10.01 baseband. :cool:


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Mar 22, 2007
Had this error as well back when I sold my iPhone 4, but never found a solution. Ended up having to give up after three days of trying and just settled on shipping the phone with a custom ipsw of iOS5 w/ 04.10.01 baseband. :cool:

Are you saying that installing a custom ipsw allowed it to restore okay? What software did you use to install the custom ipsw? Do you know if there are any custom ipsw files I can try on the 3GS? It's a later boot rom 3GS from 2010. I just want to get it working somehow... :(

Thanks for your help.


Jul 25, 2009
Are you saying that installing a custom ipsw allowed it to restore okay? What software did you use to install the custom ipsw? Do you know if there are any custom ipsw files I can try on the 3GS? It's a later boot rom 3GS from 2010. I just want to get it working somehow... :(

Thanks for your help.
I used redsn0w to create the custom ipsw.

The phone had 4.3.3 on it which is what I was trying to restore it to...however, for whatever reason TinyUmbrella didn't have the SHSH blob for it even though I KNOW it was saved.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Mar 22, 2007

Okay, that's got me over the first hurdle - I have used Pwned DFU mode in redsnow to allow me to restore what is described as sn0wbreeze_iPhone3GS_nojb-5.0.ipsw so thanks for that!

However, I'm now back to the point where the phone boots up (takes a longer time than I think is normal) and then says "Searching..." at the top left but never seems to find a carrier. (I am using a SIM card which is appropriate to the phone's SIMlock and which has worked fine before. ) It then sits for about 50 seconds before rebooting - it doesn't matter whether I start going through the setup process, I can only get as far as the "connect to iTunes" stage before it prevents me going any farther and then reboots. Even if I leave it alone, it reboots.

I'm busy downloading a 'hacktivated' custom ipsw file just now and will try that next but does anyone recognise this problem? Any ideas?



macrumors 68030
Dec 22, 2008
Seattle, WA USA

Okay, that's got me over the first hurdle - I have used Pwned DFU mode in redsnow to allow me to restore what is described as sn0wbreeze_iPhone3GS_nojb-5.0.ipsw so thanks for that!

However, I'm now back to the point where the phone boots up (takes a longer time than I think is normal) and then says "Searching..." at the top left but never seems to find a carrier. (I am using a SIM card which is appropriate to the phone's SIMlock and which has worked fine before. ) It then sits for about 50 seconds before rebooting - it doesn't matter whether I start going through the setup process, I can only get as far as the "connect to iTunes" stage before it prevents me going any farther and then reboots. Even if I leave it alone, it reboots.

I'm busy downloading a 'hacktivated' custom ipsw file just now and will try that next but does anyone recognise this problem? Any ideas?


If you use the original sim, you must deactivate the phone when using Redsn0w and use your sim to activate it through itunes. Otherwise, you can't get signal.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Mar 22, 2007
If you use the original sim, you must deactivate the phone when using Redsn0w and use your sim to activate it through itunes. Otherwise, you can't get signal.

Doesn't the fact that the phone is requesting to be connected to iTunes suggest that it is already deactivated? I accept that this is why it is not seeing the carrier but the problem is that the phone is rebooting before activation is completed.

I'll try what you suggest but I'm pretty sure it won't help (thanks anyway though for the suggestion)

I'll also try the jail broken and hacktivated custom ipsw and will report back later.



macrumors 65816
Original poster
Mar 22, 2007

Just a quick update - I think I have a hardware issue.

I tried the jailbroken, hacktivated ipsw and it loaded up okay and allows me to use the phone (albeit with tethered boot) but I found that all the radios were not working (wifi, bluetooth, 3G, 2G) and also the UDID, ICCID, IMEI and modem version numbers are completely missing. After a bit of searching I have found evidence that this may be caused by the baseband chip having a bad connection. Unfortunately it is a BGA chip so the only way to reflow the joints on a DIY basis is using either a hot gun or an oven. Since I don't have a hot gun I'm going to try the oven method. I'm not greatly confident to be honest as I used to be a process engineer for an electronics company and I know how precise the proper BGA placement and reflow devices tend to be. I'm not sure my oven will do as good a job... LOL!

Another potential fix for the above is to disconnect the battery from the logic board for at least 20 mins and try again. Some say this has worked for them.

I've currently got my phone in the freezer to cool it right down. This is supposed a good way to confirm that it is a dry solder joint that is to blame as it will pull the chip down due to thermal contraction. If that allows the phone to work correctly for a short time then I will have confidence that a reflow might be worth a shot.

If I did have a heat gun then the way to go is to protect the surrounding components with heat resistant tape or shielding and then heat the chip up gradually by bringing the heat gun closer and closer over a period of 10 mins or so. Once hot enough (use a thermocouple or piece of solder as an indicator) then you need to back off the heat again over 10 mins or so to avoid thermal shock.

Update: Took phone from freezer after about 15 mins and it is now able to be restored using standard restore process (from standard DFU) and it works perfectly! This indicates it should be possible to repair it either using a heat gun or in the oven. I've decided to see if I can buy a heat gun tomorrow first before going the oven route. Assuming of course that it stops working again when it heats up.



macrumors newbie
May 16, 2012
hey craig thanks for your detailed report,
in those twitter times i really appreaciate great threads so i had to register and say thanks!

the best thing is: the freezer also saved my friends iphone 3gs
nothing worked untill i put it in the freezer for 15min

finally a fresh restore.. awesome :)

crazy facts about the iphone:

- the iphone was one of the first devices to jailbreak a playstation 3

- fix the restore error (1) by putting your iphone into a freezer for about 15min


macrumors newbie
Jun 1, 2012
iPhone 3GS error (1) during restore - same crack in casing

I have the same symptom and the "same" crack. Is it possible that there is some heat generated at that place (my iPhone asked for activation while being charged while driving (as I wanted to use it again - i wasn't the driver :).

I was told it must be a bug. Now from this post, it rather seems something went wrong with the hardware ... I will do the freezer test and let you know.

Cheers and keep up the good work.
PS. It would cost me 230SFr (about the same in $) to get it replaced (says my provider). I am not happy. I will request that Apple replaces it for free ...


macrumors newbie
Jun 1, 2012
Freezer and restore error (1)

The freezer test failed. By the time the iPhone was connected to iTunes the frost had already disappeared. I am not sure how to test the freezing effect on my iPhone that still needs to be restored and which takes 45 minutes (says iTunes). By the time I was back, I am back in the loop once again :-((.

Thanks a lot for the discussion. I will ask my provider to send it back to Apple and to send it back a new one free of charge.

Happy hacking (is a positive word in my mouth)


macrumors newbie
Jun 1, 2012
Restore iPhone - error(1) - Redsnow

I have tried RedSnow: the phone reboots, asks to be connected to iPhone. Now iTunes asks for a SIM card (which is in there). My iPHone is stuck in that state. Any help welcome... Thanks
Is trying the other jailbreak software worthwhile ? Any other suggestions ?
René the Swiss


macrumors newbie
Jun 1, 2012
Restore iPhone - error(1) - Redsnow II

I have now jailbroken my iPHone. The original home screen is visible.
One thing NOT working is the WiFi (no WIFI it says), and top left it says : searching... suggestion to get that to work ?
No it says : restore from iTunes. ... more on that ...


macrumors newbie
Jun 1, 2012
Restore iPhone - error(1) - Redsnow II - Update

My iPhone is stuck : jailbroken, no WiFi, no call established.
Any suggestions appreciated. How quickly does one have to test the iPhone after taking it out of the freezer ?
rené the Swiss


macrumors newbie
Dec 30, 2012
Iphone in Freezer

Craig, forgive the pun, but this is so cool! Thanks a million mate. The freezer thing worked for me with my 3GS. I have been trying for days on end staying up until the earlier hours trying to sort the problem with the bricked radio and the -1 error code. I had tried everything I read on other forums/sites. Been right through the Apple troubleshooting guide. Jailbroke, unjailbroke, created custom ispw's, but nothing worked. Occasionally, I would get wifi as if by magic. Once I even had a mobile signal from my carrier, but mostly the phone was just 'searching' or showing 'no signal' with no wifi, bluetooth, etc. as you say in your posts. I had come to the conclusion that it must be a hardware problem and searching I came across your posts in this thread and it all made sense about the BGA chip and thermal contraction. After wrapping the phone in a couple of sandwich bags to protect from moisture I placed it in the freezer for 15 mins and did the standard restore and update in itunes. I took the added precaution of placing the phone on a small glass of ice while the restore was in progress in case it heated up too much (careful not to knock it in!). Working perfectly now. Thanks a million. Not sure how long it will last or even whether a permanent repair is possible, but at least I have a pretty good idea now as to what the problem is. :)


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Mar 22, 2007

Glad this was helpful for you. I wouldn't consider this to be a permanent fix as it is likely that the dry joints under the BGA chip will fail again in time but at least you will get a bit more use from your phone in the meantime.

Good luck,


macrumors newbie
Dec 30, 2012

Just thought I would tell you that after putting my phone in the freezer it worked for an hour or so then back to the same problem. I decided after much soul searching to risk sticking the board in the oven to try to reflow whatever BGA chip was causing the problem. I found info about temperature and timing (from memory 375 degrees for 7 minutes, but don't quote me on that!) and bought an oven thermometer. I tried three times setting the heat slightly lower than recommended on the first attempt and second attempt until on the third attempt it was bang on. The first two attempts did nothing. The phone would still not restore and gave the -1 error code. However, after the third attempt the phone restored! Too good to be true? Yep, after the restore iTunes closed the phone down but on the restart a message came up in iTunes, "There is a problem with your phone. The iphone may be damaged and cannot be activated. Please take it to the nearest Apple store...' or words to that effect. I have tried several times to restore including in DFU mode but get the same message. I was going to try it in the oven again, but on the last tear down I managed to cook the screen putting it together! It was late at night and I was in a bit of a hurry and must have forgotten to turn the phone off before dismantling or perhaps it was static. Anyhow, I have now acquired a working screen from a mate's dead phone and I am going to have another go at it. If anyone has any idea what to do about the above-mentioned message please share. Ideas welcomed (apart from taking it to the Apple store!).


macrumors newbie
Apr 29, 2020
HEY there ;)
I am Marco from germany , i have an old iphone 3GS with 32GB storage. I've tried to fix it with itunes.First it seems to be allright but after 75% a pop up appears and say "error 1" in itunes ... So our Problem is very similar.But i still dont know how to restore the Iphone Can u Help ?

Sincerely Marco
Hi guys,
I'm not a complete noob when it comes to iPhone hacking but I'm sure there are many of you with greater knowledge. I hope so as I need help resolving a problem with an iPhone 3GS 32GB. I'm getting the following during restore:

The iPhone "iPhone" could not be restored. An unknown error occurred (1).

This happens when the progress bar on the phone is around 75% of the way across but up until that time it all seems fine. I've searched for help on this but couldn't find anything that would help. After this error I just get the connect to iTunes picture and then iTunes says it is in restore mode. I've tried DFU mode by the way - same result.

The annoying thing is that I managed to get it working at one point although that was on my second restore attempt after an error 1645. I did the restore and got 1645 then did it again without resetting and it worked fine. It was working but after swapping SIM cards around I did a reboot and it wouldn't boot back up, going into a reboot loop around 30 seconds after trying activation each time. It would do this all day.

I've just finished stripping the phone down completely and have cleaned the PCB thoroughly with a little PCB brush and alcohol to get rid of anything which might be shorting something out. I also cleaned and reseated all the connectors.

The phone has never been jailbroken and has no signs of water damage. It has been dropped and has a crack in the rear cover near the docking connector. No signs of damage inside. Software is on iOS5.

So, what are my options? I've messed about with Tiny Umbrella, iRecovery and a few other tools trying to "kick start" it. I've pretty much run out of ideas now and would appreciate some suggestions. Could it be a hardware fault? Anything I can try?

Thanks for reading - appreciated.


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