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Original poster
Dec 27, 2017
I just get frustrated at my iPhone 4 sometimes! It runs iOS 7 and is IMPOSSIBLE to downgrade. I have windows 10 home and cant get a virtual machine running because of that! It's probably out of charge but if it wasn't what would I do?


macrumors 68000
Sep 12, 2016
Well it’s gonna be slow. Not being mean but it’s junk now. Time to throw it away or recycle it, and buy a new phone. Atleast a 6s or an se. if you plan on keeping for 2-3 years get an 8.


macrumors 68000
Jan 27, 2009
Oklahoma City, OK
This phone wasn’t exactly a speed demon when it came out (only meagerly outruns a 3GS) and it just doesn’t have the hardware to handle iOS 7.

That thing’s best days are way behind it. Send it off into the sunset.


macrumors 68040
Jun 28, 2009
Encinitas, CA
Jailbreak and download CoolBooter. This will allow you to downgrade to iOS6 (or, even iOS5) for a smoother and much faster iPhone experience.
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macrumors 6502
Dec 20, 2016
It is 7 years old it's got to be slow. I am keeping mine as a temporary emergency back up in case I lose my 8 plus.


macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
I just get frustrated at my iPhone 4 sometimes! It runs iOS 7 and is IMPOSSIBLE to downgrade. I have windows 10 home and cant get a virtual machine running because of that! It's probably out of charge but if it wasn't what would I do?
It may be time to accept your iPhone 4 is ready for retirement. It’s 7 years old and for a smartphone it’s done incredibly well. You can pick up secondhand iPhone 6’s up for just over £100 now so if you’re on a tight budget you should find a bargain and decent upgrade for yourself. :)


macrumors 6502a
Jun 9, 2017
There are many users of this forum arguing (quite strongly to be honest) that OS updates do not slow down phones and that to suggest otherwise is tin-hat conspiracy.

I'm leaving this here as a bookmark next time one of those "OS updates dont slow down iphones" posts pops up.

This is why Android is happy to stick to 3 major OS updates and call it a day.

This is why Apple is happy to keep updating till the phone is useless.

You go and buy a new one


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
Here's the thing…

We are all going to tell OP his phone is old and to get a new one because he brought the topic up here. Why OP didn't realize that himself, I don't know.

But there are plenty of people out there still using the 4 who don't come in here and complain it's slow. My mother is one of those.

Uses her 4 every day and it does exactly what she needs it to do, including iMessage.

My point is that it's only old and needing to be replaced for a new phone when someone complains. Here to be exact.
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macrumors 6502
Dec 20, 2016
Here's the thing…

We are all going to tell OP his phone is old and to get a new one because he brought the topic up here. Why OP didn't realize that himself, I don't know.

But there are plenty of people out there still using the 4 who don't come in here and complain it's slow. My mother is one of those.

Uses her 4 every day and it does exactly what she needs it to do, including iMessage.

My point is that it's only old and needing to be replaced for a new phone when someone complains. Here to be exact.

Is her phone slow but she doesn't mind or her phone didn't slow down at all? Which iOS is her phone on?

One thing I like about Apple is their build quality. Now specs and software may be another story but the Apple hardware is built to last.
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macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
Is her phone slow but she doesn't mind or her phone didn't slow down at all? Which iOS is her phone on?

One thing I like about Apple is their build quality. Now specs and software may be another story but the Apple hardware is built to last.
I'm not sure what iOS version she is running, but it's new enough for her to be using iMessage.

She doesn't do anything with it that would tax the phone. My mom is not from the email, app-using, texting generation. She's in her late 70s so her phone mainly gets used as a phone. She uses her iPad if she wants to use apps.

So, I've never heard any complaints about the phone being slow because she isn't doing anything with the phone that would make that an issue. Consequently, it just continues to work for her.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
At the risk of sounding like a broken vinyl, time to buy a new one. An iPhone 4 is too old to keep using. A bare minimum would be a 5S (and even then it's pushing it).
Did you just skip over my post above yours?

Maybe too old for YOU to keep using, but some people don't seem to have any issues - like my mom.
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macrumors 6502a
Aug 22, 2015
Here's the thing…

We are all going to tell OP his phone is old and to get a new one because he brought the topic up here. Why OP didn't realize that himself, I don't know.

But there are plenty of people out there still using the 4 who don't come in here and complain it's slow. My mother is one of those.

Uses her 4 every day and it does exactly what she needs it to do, including iMessage.

My point is that it's only old and needing to be replaced for a new phone when someone complains. Here to be exact.

My sister uses the iPhone 4 and she is very happy with it. It does what a phone suppose to do, phone calls. And for pictures and video, she carries a Canon PowerShot in her purse.
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macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
It’s OP, not your mom who is expressing frustration with sluggishness. Solution? Do what I explained.

Did I mention your mom? No. So it’s not meant for you.
You could have avoided the confusion by just mentioning that to begin with. Instead you made a blanket statement with no indication that it was OP you were speaking directly to.


macrumors 68020
Sep 24, 2014
Hard to, based on some of your posts OP, know how to take this thread. I am not an expert but will a 512mb ram iPhone on iOS 7 even run a VM?
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